White House Fraudster Thinks Americans Are Gullible And Stupid

In 2008 he promised to bankrupt the coal industry



Now he needs votes in Ohio and is accusing Romney of being anti-coal industry.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to White House Fraudster Thinks Americans Are Gullible And Stupid

  1. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Many years from now, after Obama dies, science will study his brain in search of the ‘lying gene’, & why it becomes dominant in the DNA of people like him.

  2. nigelf says:

    The problem at the time with Obama’s video clip was that the MSM avoided it like the plague and buried it. Had they ran it first page like they would a conservative candidate, his election chances would have dropped to zero. They wanted Obama and by God they delivered.

  3. gator69 says:

    I seem to recall the left being a teensy weensy bit less tolerant of lies from the POTUS, in the past.

  4. leftinbrooklyn says:

    So, this campaign has brought us:

    ‘You didn’t build that.’

    ‘We tried our way, and it worked.’

    ‘Romney Hood.’

    ‘I’m pro-coal.’

    Me thinks Obama may concede by early-October… 🙂

  5. Andy DC says:

    Hitting below the belt is part of politics. Anyone remember “Swiftboating” or “Willie Horton”? Am no Obama supporter, but it has not been “Marquis de Queenbury” rules for quite some time. Finally a Democrat willing to show a pair and actually show some fight, even if it isn’t always clean. In a way it is fun to see.

    It will be interesting to see if Emmanuel “adjusts” this election like Mayor Daley did in 1960.

    • gator69 says:

      The swiftboaters told the truth. Kerry is an ass clown.
      The left simply was simply allowed to improperly turn ‘swiftboating’ into something nefarious. Again people, he who controls the language controls the argument. Renounce Newspeak.

    • He is a flagrant pathological liar with no ethical boundaries.

    • Andy DC says:

      Kerry was exposed as a pompous idiot and Dukakis as the little creep that he is. It was the wimpy way they responsed to those attacks. I am not playing favorites. For whatever else you want to say about Obama, he is no wimp. He also knows who he is more than Romney, even it is to the left of Karl Marx.

    • DEEBEE says:

      Andy, I am trying to understand what was so obviously a lie from the swift-boaters that is causing the moral equivalence, with the perfunctory nonsense about “I am no fan of Obama”

      • Andy DC says:

        Anybody in the course of their lives is going to rub people the wrong way. The Republican operatives looked long and hard interviewing people who served with Kerry to find out that certain people (probably paid off) didn’t like him, no doubt because he was rich and college educated. Whoopie! I bet if I look around hard enough and throw around some dollars, I could find some people who don’t like you!

  6. slimething says:

    Except that the Swiftboaters told the truth and exposed a fraud, and Willie Horton was created by Dukakis’ policies.

    Romney will have to answer for his greenie comments and Romneycare, but at this point I’d vote for Elmer Fudd if it meant getting Obama out.

    Don’t get me going on lying slimeball Democrat politics.

  7. Andy DC says:

    Obama is the first candidate in quite awhile to campaign as a proud liberal, instead of running away from that label. Heck, given a second term, he will be more than happy to give away whatever little is left of the store. Interesting strategy. Seems to have Romney off balance for the moment. It could actually work, which is very dangerous.

  8. NoMoreGore says:

    He’s not a liberal. John Lovitz is a liberal. Obama’s a fascist communist revolutionary. And he’s hiding this identity. So he really ISN’T coming out. There is nothing good about this parasite.

    Much of the “moderate” GOP have had an awakening to the vile truth about what the Dems have become. The GOP thought they were a bit goofy, but perhaps otherwise, honorable. Many are realizing now that the Dems are actually well on their way into a psychotic cult of destruction.

  9. johnmcguire says:

    I can’t stand the lying democrats , but the lying republicans are no better . Everytime we have thrown out a democrat and put in a republican nothing has really changed. Look at bush , not only did he not reverse the destruction put in place by clinton he added to it . Nafta , cafta , free trade , business puched overseas to exploit uneducated easily manipulated foreign labor , left all the midlevel bureaucrats put in by clinton in place , the list could go on for an hour . I still support Ron Paul . I made the mistake of voting for a republican to get rid of a democrat in the past , I won’t do it again ! So go support the feds man romney or the feds man obama , not a dimes bit of difference between them on the things that count . By the way , I agree that obama is a fraud . But I believe fool me once it is your fault and fool me twice it is my fault.

  10. robertvdl says:

    That is my way of thinking. What is wrong with Ron Paul when he is the only one that makes sense.
    The Osama Obama group and the Romney group are the same monster. All those in favor of the Patriot Act are evil people .

  11. The above range of comments reminds me of this:

    “…And that’s the way it is. Good night, ladies and gentlemen.”
    Walter Kronkite

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