Obama Using His Brain In Fort Collins

You believed we could use less foreign oil and reduce the carbon pollution that threatens our planet. And in just four years, we have doubled the generation of clean, renewable energy like wind and solar. We developed new fuel standards for our cars so that cars are going to get 55 miles a gallon next decade. That will save you money at the pump. It will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a level roughly equivalent to a year’s worth of carbon emissions from all the cars in the world put together.

I wonder if he noticed on his way in to Fort Collins that 90% of the drivers were in trucks or SUVs?

We’re on track to emit fewer greenhouse gases this year than we have in nearly 20 years. You can keep those trends going. That all happened because of you.

When 9% of the population doesn’t have jobs, they don’t have to drive to work. By further increasing unemployment, he can further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Transcript of Obama’s speech at CSU in Fort Collins | The Coloradoan | coloradoan.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Obama Using His Brain In Fort Collins

  1. gator69 says:

    Coming from the man who charters a jet for his dog’s vacation. Oh well, at least he didn’t make Bo ride on top. 😉

  2. chris y says:

    I am stunned that the POTUS decided to take credit for the reduction in CO2 emissions that are on track to meet the Kyoto protocol emissions target. Thankfully, Congress had the sense to ratify that treaty. Oh, wait…

    I’ll add it to the list of Our Dear Leader’s accomplishments in the environmental arena-

    1. CO2 emissions on track to meet Kyoto agreement goals.
    2. Sea level rate of rise has not increased.
    3. Global temperatures have not dramatically increased.
    4. US GDP has been slowed to a *sustainable* rate.
    5. Young adults are remaining with their parents longer, decreasing urban sprawl and energy use.
    6. Young adults are delaying having kids, decreasing the number of carbon bombs being born in gluttonous USA.
    7. No hurricane landfalls in the US until the POTUS decided to deliver Isaac to this year’s drought-stricken regions.
    8. Collapsing solar panel prices, thanks to shrewd federal investments.
    9. Dramatic increases in energy costs, thanks to shrewd federal regulations.
    10. Nobel Peace Prize for ‘creating an environment of peace’.

    Give him four more years, with more ‘flexibility’, and just imagine what he could accomplish with his communitarianist vision…

    • Eric Simpson says:

      4. US GDP has been slowed to a *sustainable* rate.
      Actually, they want negative economic growth, this from the U.N. climate conference.
      You can bet your bottom dollar the trillion $ “stimulus” that didn’t stimulate was not about stimulating the economy, as according to their own declared objectives, that’s not want they want. And listen to Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren who said “a massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States… [we] must design a stable, low-consumption economy.”
      No, the stimulus was not about stimulating the economy. It was about paying off union supporters and Dem donors. In fact all this deficit spending that the stimulus engendered has certainly been a major factor in precipitating the stagnating economy that we suffer from. But now they are pushing for even more “stimulus” spending. Insane.

  3. Wyguy says:

    Saw this on the great savings CAFE will bring, if you live through it. http://townhall.com/columnists/michellemalkin/2012/08/29/obamas_sneaky_deadly_costly_car_tax

  4. terrence says:

    I am sure that Saint Obama will never mention that his ‘solution’ will add at least $3,000 to the price of a new car, and all but demolition the new car market (if his insane proposition is not repelled).

  5. terrence says:

    and repealed as well as ‘repelled’….

  6. leftinbrooklyn says:

    ‘That all happened because of you.’

    Awesomeness. Still trying to undo ‘You didn’t build that.’

  7. Traitor In Chief says:

    To hit this 55 mpg mandate, it looks like every car (AND TRUCK) will need to be a turbo Diesel Jetta plug in Hybrid. I forsee problems towing a boat or trailer with this rig. But Dear Agenda 21 Leader is not to be bothered with these details.

  8. Michael says:

    He forgot to mention that, for the first time in US history, the average American is poorer than the average Canadian. Not the rich people, the average Joe who works hard for a living.

    Canada has had a conservative government since 2006 that has reduced corporate and personal taxes, reduced regulation, taken on big unions, ignored big environment and generally provided good government. Romney may not be “all that”, but at least he’s better than this guy.

    I read the whole speech. The only things he said he will do are: keep the status quo with student loans and Obama care, and continue to spend more money on “renewable” energy.

    $24 trillion here we come!

  9. oeman50 says:

    I am continually amazed. BHO is taking credit for increasing the mileage. Guess what? He didn’t do that. (Ha!) It will take the efforts of many engineers and the car companies to actually put that mandate into action. I suspect the car companies are agreeing to this ridiculous requirement hoping to placate BHO and get to another administration that will toss out this new rule. I know I hope it will. I don’t want a Smart Car!

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