By October 17, 2007 – all of the thick ice had pushed past the North Pole towards the North Atlantic.
In 2012, thick ice extends hundreds of miles in every direction from the pole. Comparing 2007 to 2012 is ridiculous.
By October 17, 2007 – all of the thick ice had pushed past the North Pole towards the North Atlantic.
In 2012, thick ice extends hundreds of miles in every direction from the pole. Comparing 2007 to 2012 is ridiculous.
“Comparing 2007 to 2012 is ridiculous.”
Couldn’t agree more…there is so much less ice in 2012 than in 2007, extent, area, and volume.
Take your meds
R., I`ve been trying to get an answer to this one for some time: During the Holocene Climate Optimum, when the Arctic saw temps 10C higher than they are now, for centuries, what happened to the Earth? How did the human race fare?
According to environmentalists this species became extinct.
I don’t think we made it. Neither did the polar bears or penguins. 8>(
Given that the total human population during the Holocene climate optimum never exceeded what is contained in just a few of our mega-cities of today, it is hard to compare “how they fared”. Hunting, gathering, and early agriculture is how they survived. Feeding 7+ billion people today is far different.
Why do we grow food in California rather than Canada?
R gates – but what happened to the massive methane explosions, which supposedly are going to happen if the Earth gets just 2 degrees warmer? Where are the mass extinctions? How did coral reefs survive?
These and many other things are supposed to happen REALLY REALLY soon, thanks to human-generated CO2 raising the Earth`s temp just one Fifth of the HCO. Why didn`t they happen then?