Remembering The Terror Of Irene As She Hit Manhattan

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Remembering The Terror Of Irene As She Hit Manhattan

  1. Dave N says:

    The horror! The horror!!

  2. Eric Barnes says:

    So what was the damage in NY again? I’m sure the cost of clothing replacement must have soared into 6 digits at least.

  3. kirkmyers says:

    More fright-mongering by the health-Nazi and Gauleiter mayor of New York. Irene was a mild storm, much less worse than many of the winter storms that hit the city.

  4. Traitor In Chief says:

    I can see the headline already: Body surfing in the streets!

  5. Lazarus says:

    I remember that it cost $19 billion ($15.6 billion in the US) and killed 56 people.

  6. Eric Webb says:

    The irony in all this is 94L is sitting in almost the exact same spot as Irene only a year ago (although further east.) If this passes north of the Greater Antillies it will likely affect the east coast. You thought the hysteria was bad in Irene, if this system becomes a major, they will scream it is stronger and much worse than Irene, but that’s the media for you.

  7. oeman50 says:

    So a hurricane is more “extreme” if it hits New York City instead of say, New Orleans (Katrina-Cat 3) or Homestead, Fla. (Andrew-Cat 5). Got it.

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