Shock News For Alarmists : The Earth Is Not Flat

Alarmists, like their 15th century witch burning ancestors, believe that the earth is flat. When they look at Arctic ice maps, they believe that the ocean surface is flat, and that Arctic ice is going to drop off the edge of the earth.

I have this radical new theory that the Earth is actually curved , and that as you get closer to the pole there is less sunlight and colder temperatures in late summer.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Shock News For Alarmists : The Earth Is Not Flat

  1. omanuel says:

    This ABC News Flash suggests Václav Klaus is right: We won’t get a chance to elect an honest President in the 2012 election:

    Despite establishment efforts to silence those calling for a return to constitutional limits on government, the Campaign Manager for Representative Ron Paul, John Tate, has assured me “the Ron Paul R3VOLUTION is not coming to end !”

    This environmentalist, PhD scientist is absolutely convinced that

    We cannot restore integrity to government science, unless . . .

    We first restore constitutional limits on government.

    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  2. Michael says:

    For “sod”‘s edification – Alert Nunavut (82.3N) is reporting 1 cm of snow on the ground for the 8th consecutive day! I guess his melting at -0.3C isn’t going so well. Actually, it poked up above zero yesterday for a couple of minutes.

    But at 88% relative humidity not much of the 4 1/2 metre thick ice that melted had a chance to evaporate, so Armageddon is postponed for yet another day.

    I like the flat earth theory, my car will get better gas mileage without hills.

    • pjie2 says:

      Snowfall doesn’t indicate melting has stopped. In this part of the season, melt rates are dominated by bottom melt as warmer, salty water eats away at the base of the ice. Case in point, this mass alance buoy they just placed in the remaining MYI in the Laptev sea:

      It was planted 15 days ago, and in that time this ice has gained 4cm of snow on top, and lost 32cm of thickness to bottom melt. If you look at the graph on the right of the page, you’ll see bottom melt rate has increased dramatically as the retreating ice edge catches up to the buoy. It’s by no means certain that it’ll even last until the summer minimum in 2-3 weeks’ time.

  3. tckev says:

    But the basic AGW model has a flat earth.

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