Spotting Alarmist Lies From Space

There is a region of low albedo, dirty ice along the western coast of Greenland. The rest of the ice sheet is very bright white.


Summer temperatures in Greenland are as low as minus 35C this week.

Weather Forecast Navy Operated, Greenland | Navy Operated Weather | Wunderground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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143 Responses to Spotting Alarmist Lies From Space

  1. Gond says:

    Here’s a nice animated graph on Arctic Sea Ice Volume:

    Do you need peer-reviewed references showing that Greenland is losing mass? I have already provided two, need more?

    It’s interesting to see what’s going on in the Arctic don’t you think?

  2. A Win-Win Resolution to the AGW Debate

    World leaders have been struggling for their own survival since 1945, unaware that we can instead work together to achieve these common goals:

    Working together we can achieve goals 1-6, instead of abandoning goals 5 and 6 for 1-4 !

    1. We all want world peace.

    2. An end to racism and nationalistic warfare.

    3. An end to the threat of mutual nuclear annihilation.

    4. Cooperative efforts to protect Earth’s environment and bounty.

    5. Governments controlled by the people being governed, including

    6. Transparency and veracity (truth) in information given the public.

    See updated summary posted here:

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel

  3. Gond says:

    “Known for its massive ice sheets, Greenland is feeling the effects of global warming as rising temperatures have expanded the island’s growing season and crops are flourishing. For the first time in hundreds of years, it has become possible to raise cattle and start dairy farms.”

    So Greenland is warmer than in hundreds of years then? So it seems.

  4. Gond says:

    “The part about “they pulled the numbers out of their ass””

    Ha ha, that is the stupidest and lamest thing I’ve heard in a long while, really. You’re literally out of arguments in the face of Antarctic warming. Due to the use of three independent remote sensing techniques and the independent replication of key results by other research groups this thing about Greenland ice-loss is just about as certain as things can get in geosciences. Remember this when the next Science-paper comes out in a few months, peer-review permitting – it will make the news.

    Please don’t quit your day job in order to comment on Earth, climate and the geosciences, ok?

    ps. Your mugshot should come up when one does a Google Image search for “denialist”, ha ha 😀

    • The volume of peer reviewed junk climate science would cover Antarctica. Stop being a moron.

      • Terra Incognita says:

        rw: “Greenland isn’t going to melt away if the temperature is -19 deg.”

        The edges melt first. It’s obviously not -19 degrees everywhere and all of the time. It obviously isn’t that cold at the glacier’s edge during summer days. The ice edge is retreating, it’s obvious that’s due to above freezing temperatures.

        Steven Goddard: “Stop being a moron.”

        Sooooooo professional.

      • Me says:

        Look Gaia in disguise is back.

    • Glacierman says:

      “You’re literally out of arguments in the face of Antarctic warming.”

      Says who? Dr. Steig? Is the warming you speak of the cause of an increase in ice in the Antarctic?

      • Overall Antarctica has warmed over 50 years by a tiny fraction but has since cooled for the last 30 years. Even the authors of the Steg paper admitted this on the Real Climate website. (It was necessary to point this out in order to explain why their study “apparently” “contradicted” other studies of the region.)

    • Since the Greenland was at its maximum during the LIA, probably since the end of the ice age, it would hardly be surprising if it has receded a little since.

      The reality is that for the last 4000 years Greenland has been gradually colder, albeit interrupted by warmer interludes such as the MWP and RWP.

      BTW according to ice core data, the MWP was 1.5C warmer than now in Greenland.

    • Gond

      Even if you were right you’re still going to have to prove it is unprecedented in human history. And you haven’t even begun to do that. You haven’t even looked at the first piece of history about it. You just simply believe anything you are told by the segment of the population you have chosen to align yourself with. Please don’t try to portray yourself as unbiased. You are not. You, whether you are cognizant of it or not—and you are not, are a product of left wing political propaganda.

  5. BaldHill says:

    It seems that Greenland lost at least another 40% more ice in the 30’s and 40’s then where we are at right now, then it gained mass again till the mid 90’s and since 97 it has lost mass, seems to go in approx 30 year cycles. Those 30 year cycles being part of the bigger cycles showing even bigger gains/losses.
    It appears that ice gain/loss starts about 10 years after the start of the next temp cycle of cooling/warming. If this was to hold true for this cycle we should have about another 7 years of ice loss in Greenland.
    Nothing unprecedented here except to those who cling to any type of weather related event not seen in the last week to support the hype.

    • Some people don’t believe those cycles BaldHill. They don’t believe science. And some of them are scientists. They couldn’t recognize the data right in front of them if they saw it. They are blinded by political brainwashing. They will just laugh at you and call you a “denialist” and feel they are smarter than you. After all the scientists they listen to say man is changing climate with his pollution and something must be done immediately. Usually the thing that they want done involves lots of taxing—which is exactly what the left of politics likes. So the left of politics will never stop pushing global warming, no matter how much they have to lie to do it. They will continue the flow of money to “study” global warming. The more scientists accept that grant money the more some people think the large number of scientists involved with making a living from this money proves “manmade” global warming is real—after all there’s so many scientists studying it and talking about it—-how can so many scientists be wrong—they will say. They will continue to brainwash and raise taxes with no end.

      Odd thing is there are big names in climate science who have doubts about “manmade” global warming but will never mention those doubts publicly.

      In this video Steve McIntyre talks about an email from ClimateGate 2.0 where one of the big name global warming scientists talks about his doubts:

      4 minute video

  6. Sparks says:

    Steven are there any recent satlite images of this area in ice land? I’m just wondering if these ice-cubes can be detected from space or if they show it ice free.

  7. I wonder if Gond understands the difference between mass balance and surface mass balance (OK he can google that part) and it’s relationship to AGW theory? (He won’t find it so easy to google that part.) But anyway, he probably hasn’t finished his school homework yet because he has been too busy posting here.

  8. joe says:

    “Thirteen researchers, who work with the National Science Foundation’s McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-term Ecological Research program, report in the Jan. 13 online edition of the journal Nature on both the cooling and its effects in the Dry Valleys, an a little larger than Rhode Island on the west coast of the Ross Sea.

    “Dry Valleys’ temperatures dropped an average of 1.23 degrees Fahrenheit per decade from 1986 to 2000, with the greatest cooling during the December through February Antarctic summer, they report.

    “Complicating the problem is the fact that all of Antarctica isn’t cooling. The Antarctic Peninsula, which looks on maps like an arm reaching from the continent to grab South America, has been growing warmer. In fact, reports in recent years that Antarctica is warming have been based on data from the Peninsula.”

    Read that again. Reports in recent years that Antarctica is warming

    have been based on data from the Peninsula.”

    In other words, we’ve been getting distorted data!

    Althoug the Antarctic Ice Sheet is twice as big as the continental United

    States, the Antarctic Peninsula is only a small portion of that.

    If the entire United States were cooling but Oregon was warming, would

    you trust someone who told you that “the United States is warming”?

    That’s the kind of misleading information that I’ve been yelling about.

  9. It’s somewhat ironic, Steve, that you cherrypicked a single temperature point..the navy one, to state that temperatures were “as low as -35C this week” because elsewhere on Greenland its warm enough for cherries with some temperatures as high as 11C and an average of 1.9C.

  10. Sorry, I don’t speak….whatever language that was.

  11. suyts says:

    What in the world? Alarmists are pissy about this post? Damn Steve, you have their panties all wadded up. Alarmists don’t realize that the rest of the world is laughing at them and their stupidity now.

  12. Terra Incognita says:

    “90% of Greenland is ice and there is only 1 weather station on the ice.”

    Isn’t that the 1 weather station that you quote 90% of the time? 🙂

  13. Terra Incognita says:

    Look at how cold chilly Greenland has made the arctic ocean.

  14. Terra Incognita says:

    Sarcasm. We’re having a debate as to whether Greenland is warming up while the adjacent ocean is undeniably warming up.

  15. Terra Incognita says:

    “typo, climatic, not climactic”

    Are you sure it’s not Freudian?

  16. Me says:

    Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    August 28, 2012 at 4:13 am

    You say the water is warming? Well, the air is not warming. So global warming isn’t happening.

    Overall ARGO buoys show the oceans are cooling. The warm currents at any given location of the world have nothing to do with what is currently, or even recently happening in climate. Currents in the oceans are connected to climactic events over periods of 100?s of years.


    Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    August 28, 2012 at 4:16 am

    typo, climatic, not climactic

    uknowispeaksense says:

    August 28, 2012 at 5:03 am

    “overall the oceans are cooling”

    garbage. doi:10.1029/2012GL051106

    Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    August 28, 2012 at 5:04 am

    ARGO buoys show an overall cooling trend right now.

    Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    August 28, 2012 at 5:08 am

    I see you cherry picked out a paper that agrees with you global warming beliefs.

    uknowispeaksense says:

    August 28, 2012 at 5:24 am

    If you have a problem with the paper, why don’t you explain how the data is unreliable. Perhaps you could put it in a paper and submit it to GRL yourself? They have used previously unavailable data in their analyses. If you are suggesting those data are unreliable I’d be keen to hear your detailed analyses?

    Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    August 28, 2012 at 5:13 am

    Before ARGO there was unreliability in consistency of the data.

    “Lack of sustained observations of the atmosphere, oceans and land have hindered the development and validation of climate models. An example comes from a recent analysis which concluded that the currents transporting heat northwards in the Atlantic and influencing western European climate had weakened by 30% in the past decade. This result had to be based on just five research measurements spread over 40 years. Was this change part of a trend that might lead to a major change in the Atlantic circulation, or due to natural variability that will reverse in the future, or is it an artifact of the limited observations?”

    Your paper uses ARGO but also uses these past unreliable methods.

    Steven do you see the out of sequence on the post here? I’ve seen this before…

    • sometimes comments get like that because it takes time to type some out. others are typed quickly and entered before the longer ones are finished. so they end up seemingly out of order, ….i think.

    • The most sensible thing you’ve said. Well done. I think the sequence problem comes from AAIM addressing me by responding to himself. I see it in my inbox and respond. It all ends up all over the place.

      • Me says:

        I doubt it. But then you are too much a moron to understand it.

        • “I don’t either.” and you left out “of”. “You’re too much (of) a moron to understand it” Would you like me to provide you with the link to the online English course again?

      • uknowispeaksense

        You hit below the belt. You are so typical of global warming believers. You are juvenile.

      • Me says:

        No, I said it right the first time and if you had the understanding to try to correct Me, then you understood what I said the first time ya Moron.

      • Me says:

        And yeah I forgot! BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! YA Moron

      • Me says:

        AAIM, that is not hitting below the belt, that is deflecting yet again. 😉

      • It was below the belt. It was dirty pool.

        And I do agree, it was deflecting tactic. But still, it was out of line.

        • Dirty tactics AAIM is making statements and then refusing to back them up and then accusing me of deflecting to deflect. Irony perhaps or more deceit? I offered you some peer reviewed evidence and you made the claim that the data they used was unreliable. I asked you to back up your claim. I would have let it go except a large part of the data they used was previously unavailable. It isn’t asking too much for you to demonstrate how that data is unreliable. Your refusal and constant ducking and weaving just demonstrates that you don’t know what you are talking about. The grown up, mature thing for you to do is say “I don’t know.” If this is what has you so butthurt then it is you that is acting juvenile. But if you really want juvenile behaviour, look no further than your friend with his comments like this “And yeah I forgot! BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! YA Moron” and his multitude of other inane comments. Perhaps you think that sort of behaviour is mature? it would explain much. At some point, you will have to pull your head of the sand and accept that everything all those very smart people have been saying for so long is actually correct. They are after all, the real experts, who do actually know what they are talking about and back up their claims with analysis and evidence.

      • Me says:

        It was just trying to do what it could to stop the bullshit it was pushing to stick to it’s self. Deflecting! 😆

  17. sunsettommy says:

    “Yeap, that’s half the reason. And why should that be if the Earth’s oceans are cooling off as is commonly claimed on this site?”

    Oh my gawad are you that dumb?

    The Arctic waters are normally colder than the Atlantic and Pacific waters thus by default they are going to be warmer.

    • Anthony did a good job with introducing the more accurate system now in use.

      • It’s telling that alarmists can’t understand how it wasn’t melt that caused the drastic drop in ice measurement. It was a storm that broke up ice into concentration smaller than 15% as detected by satellite measurement. If it was melt the melt would have shown up in all the ice not just in the area of the storm—that’s what alarmists can’t understand.

        And here they thought they had a big victory from that drastic drop. That feeling of victory is why so many of them have recently shown up here.

      • joe from Australia says:

        yep 🙂

    • Terra Incognita says:

      OMG!!! That means that the land surface is being warmed up the the heat radiated by the water that is being warmed up by those massive underwater Arctic volcanos!!!

      • joe from Australia says:

        At the end of the day,with only about 1% of our oceans floors actually been explored,HOW DO THEY KNOW HOW MUCH CO2 IS COMING FROM WITH IN THE EARTH?HOW MUCH HEAT IS COMING FROM WITH THE EARTH INTO THE ATMOSPHERE?

  18. Gond says:

    There are several weather stations on the Greenland ice sheet but perhaps they don’t transmit their data live on the internets. This is one of the the reasons why we know Greenland has been warming up so fast.

  19. Leslie Graham says:

    The Vikings only managed to grow small enclosesures of barley limited to the area they could irrigate. For ‘vegetables’ they gathered edible wild grasses, berries and some seaweeds. The idea that they grew ‘crops’ is insane and is not born out by any of the evidence.
    In fact it has only very recently been proved conclusively that they even grew barley.
    These days it’s becomin gpossible to grow cabbages and some hardy root vegetables.

    Grapes have also been grown in England without a break (except between the wars) since at least the 6th century and are still grown in Yorkshire today. There are far more vinyards in the country (around 400) then ever before in history. The fluctuations on the fortunes of the industry have far more to do with politics and economics than climate. After 1066 for example there was no demand for English wine as it could now be imported freely from France.
    The recent great boom in English wines took off in Hampshire, where I was brought up, in the 1960’s as the climate warmed and is still growing today.

    It’s an insult to people like me who were involved in the business to see so much nonsense talked about English vinyards by people who clearly have no idea what they are talking about.

    By the way Steve – I see your prediction about the Arctic ‘recovering’ turned out exactly as I told you it would. No doubt you will be able to tell everyone about the ‘record growth’ next month.

    See you same time next year.

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