The CO2 Warming Signal In Antarctica

Antarctica has been cooling over the last 30 years, which unequivocally proves  polar amplification and the CO2 footprint of mankind.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The CO2 Warming Signal In Antarctica

  1. RobertvdL says:

    Aww ,that hurts, but we all know that the man made global warming propaganda has nothing to do with global warming or CO2. If O wins the next election they won’t need it any longer

    Land of the Free ?

  2. You must be mistaken Steve, Nature ran a front cover a while back claiming that Antarctica was warming. 😉

    (As I’ve pointed out before, even the author’s of that paper admitted there had been cooling for the last 30 years.)

  3. NikFromNYC says:

    It was John Daly’s post of the South Pole thermometer record that turned me into a potential skeptic, early on. It was the way that Watts and McIntyre and eventually Monckton utterly ignored such simple glaring refutation of AGW claims in favor of obscure statistics that soured me on the skeptics too. Thank God for Republicans, for finally the word “fraud” is being voiced in the mass media. Watts sat on his stations project so long that nobody cares any more or knows who to trust when it comes to hothouse claims. Your site, the only source of dirt simple data updates, isn’t even listed on the WUWT blog roll, and this very fact acts as a great morale booster for lingering AGW cult members. Nor is the best and classiest news digest site listed there, Greenie Watch by John Ray, I sadly note. Judith Curry, by being transparently passive aggressive has seemingly stolen half of Anthony’s audience into an obscure masturbatory bicker fest that rivals Facebook culture for vacuous vagina award. I check in occasionally, here and there, bemused.

  4. rw says:

    Umm – UAH’s satellites work very poorly over ice sheets such as Antarctica – in fact RSS do not include any land south of 70 for this very reason. Before posting something it might be useful to check to see if these things actually are legitimate scientifically. When they aren’t – then don’t post them. Just a thought…

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