“The Kenyan bowed his head because he knew that he’d been beat”

“In my 75 years on Earth, it’s never been as clear-cut as it is now,” Daniels said. “We’re either going to go into socialism, where part of the people work and the rest of them don’t, and the ones that do will be taxed to death, or – I got the point where I don’t trust politicians anymore, but hopefully – the other side represents, ‘Let’s put America back to work; let’s re-instill the work ethic back in people.’”

Charlie Daniels unloads ‘dag-blamed truth’ on Obama 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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38 Responses to “The Kenyan bowed his head because he knew that he’d been beat”

  1. leftinbrooklyn says:

    They’ll never admit it, but the Leftist platform has always been pro-lazy at heart…lazy in self-sufficiency, lazy in personal responsibility, & lazy in promoting incentive to achieve those things.

  2. WOT says:

    You’re a birther too?

    That is rich. That is RICH.

  3. Pathway says:

    Whether or not he is an American citizen at this point is irrelevant. It only matters that he is removed from office on the first Tue in Nov. All liberal vote on the first Monday in Nov. Don’t forget, WOT

  4. WOT says:

    “Hey WOT , anyone with a brain knows that birth certificate was a fake . But , that explains why you don’t know.”

    No. It was real. Even if you think that’s a fake, how do you explain this:

    Look at the scans from both newspapers. Kind of hard to fake birth announcements on that day in old Hawaii newspapers without a time machine, is it not?

    • Forget the birth certificate. The issue is – why did his agent believe for 17 years that he was born in Kenya?

      • WOT says:

        Because she didn’t look it up to check it for herself, She’s probably embarrassed it even happened in the first place.

        See some people when corrected will say “sorry, I was wrong” and move on.
        Others like you will just keep parroting the lie thinking that the more you say it the truer it is.

        Why don’t you ask his agent yourself. I can’t speak for his agent.

        However the newspapers don’t lie. So, unless Obama has a government time traveling delorean you’ve painted yourself into quite a corner.

        • Use your brain. People don’t make up things like that. Someone told her that Obama was born in Kenya and Obama never corrected it for 17 years.

          Someone told the Sunday Standard that Obama was born in Kenya in 2004.

          Your crtical thinking skills are in the dumpster.

      • WOT says:

        “Use your brain. People don’t make up things like that. Someone told her that Obama was born in Kenya and Obama never corrected it for 17 years.

        Someone told the Sunday Standard that Obama was born in Kenya in 2004. ”

        Wait, so if three people tell you that China is a moon of Jupiter then it must be true?

        You can look at what people say, or the evidence. If the evidence points to one conclusion, and what people say points to another, you stick with the evidence. You don’t get to decide what is and isn’t reality.

        • The US Senator from Illinois is headlined in the newspaper as being from Kenya, and no one notices or corrects? You can’t be as stupid as you pretend to be.

      • WOT says:

        “The US Senator from Illinois is headlined in the newspaper as being from Kenya, and no one notices or corrects? You can’t be as stupid as you pretend to be. ”

        Citation please. Again, if what someone says is different than the actual evidence, then you side with the evidence.

        We have two independent newspapers announcing his birth in Hawaii in 1961.

        So your argument is stupid, and invalid.

        Keep wasting your breath though. He’ll be re-elected in 2012 by a safe margin, and you guys will NEVER be taken seriously.

        Have fun!

  5. WOT says:

    “Whether or not he is an American citizen at this point is irrelevant. It only matters that he is removed from office on the first Tue in Nov. All liberal vote on the first Monday in Nov. Don’t forget, WOT”

    My state is going red so I’m voting for the green party. It’s more than likely that Obama will win in 2012. Romney doesn’t stand a chance right now unless he picks up 3 or 4 large swing states in the next 100 days. In fact, he may even lose another one since Florida has been getting less and less red of late and it’s really on the fence.

    • Can you attempt to focus?

      Why did his agent believe for 17 years that he was born in Kenya? Why did the Sunday Standard believe that he was born in Kenya in 2004?

      • WOT says:

        They didn’t properly vet their sources, that’s why. I can’t read minds but it’s pretty easy to get things wrong when you don’t do a whole lot of research.

        You should know, your whole blog is full of thousands of examples that you did yourself.

        The newspapers are the smoking gun. So, if you still think he was born there, then you think the newspapers were changed with a time machine.

        Wake up.

        • Who are the sources? Why didn’t the reporter ask her that question? There are holes as big as the Grand Canyon in this story.

          You probably believe Nixon when he said he wasn’t a crook.

      • WOT says:

        “You probably believe Nixon when he said he wasn’t a crook. ”

        I didn’t care what he said or didn’t say. Honestly, he didn’t believe he was a crook, and died thinking he wasn’t. Yet the evidence was damning against him.

        So by your logic, Nixon was innocent because he said he was.

        In this case you have:

        1) A couple of people thinking he was born in Kenya
        2) Hard physical evidence proving that he was born in Hawaii that cannot be faked

        So you side with option 2, obviously. People make mistakes. Evidence doesn’t lie.

        Your logic is terrible. You’re using arguments against yourself.

      • johnmcguire says:

        In Hawaii he was reported as a live birth . That means he was born alive but not neccesarily in Hawaii . The birth certificate produced has been judged fraudulent by experts . Source : Sheriff Arapoa in Arizona . And to use your own logic , if that is what it can be called , you told Steven his paper sources were wrong so what about yours .

      • WOT says:

        “In Hawaii he was reported as a live birth . ”

        A live birth means the baby was born alive. This was used because there are such things as still births, which were sometimes recorded and announced so that friends and neighbors could also bereave.

  6. WOT says:

    So wait you don’t like socialism or the government, yet you wouldn’t have the internet without government funding and government intervention. Remember, it all started with ARPANET.

    • Your answers are bullshit. A lot of people believed that Obama was born in Kenya before he started running for the presidency. Obama did nothing to change this perception.

      There is a huge story here, and you plug your ears.

      • WOT says:

        “Your answers are bullshit. A lot of people believed that Obama was born in Kenya before he started running for the presidency.”
        A lot of people believed aliens lived on the moon and in the four humors – so they MUST be true.

        If evidence disagrees with what people believe, you have to go with the evidence and ignore what people believe.

        • Goderich was his legal representative for distributing his biography for pete’s sake. Do you understand what a biography is?

          For 17 years she said he was from Kenya. Are you even 17 years old?

  7. johnmcguire says:

    Hey WOT , what evidence do you have ? Every arguement you have presented has been debunked , just look up through the comments with sources cited . You have jumped all over the place grabbing what you think are catchy arguments and none of them stand .

  8. Eric Webb says:

    WOT, you don’t seem to acknowledge that when Obama released his “original and authentic” birth certificate it was computer generated. There’s a BIG problem with that, his “real” birth certificate shouldn’t be computer generated, because he was born well before the invention of modern computers. This says, that he’s either lying or forged his birth certificate.

    • Employers are not allowed to accept electronic documents for employment verification.

    • gofer says:

      It’s terribly shaky when the only real evidence is an announcement in a newspaper as opposed to the evidence to the contrary, even some of his Kenyan relatives saying he was born in Kenya.

      Whatever the truth is, Obama allowed it to be believed he was born in Kenya.

  9. gofer says:

    My nephew was actually born in Alabama, even though the local hometown newspaper, in Tn., ran a birth announcement that was supplied by my mother.

  10. ntesdorf says:

    Can someone please put a sock over Wot’s head. I have heard enough of his ravings for a very, very long time. He is just boring.

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