The NOAA/Hansen Effect Sets In

Last week, NOAA and Hansen told us that the heat in the eastern US could only be caused by a climate heating out of control. Two days later, record cold set in over the eastern US.

HAMweather Climate Center – Record Events for The Past 2 Days – Continental US View

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to The NOAA/Hansen Effect Sets In

  1. ozspeaksup says:

    previously known as the “gore effect” i believe?

  2. Holden says:

    Yea but these global warming whackos will say that THIS TOO is part of global warming and “climate change” and basically ANY event that occurs these days is “owned” by these nut jobs. This is the primary reason that I do not believe anything they say.

  3. Lance says:

    you guys forget…hot is GW, cold is just weather.

    • Eric Webb says:

      Oh, they find excuses for that too, like increasing snow and cold over the US in the 2009-10 and 10-11 winters was due to warming and the loss of sea ice over the arctic. They will blame ANYTHING on AGW.

  4. John K says:

    Another few years of madly manipulating data to prove that everything everywhere is caused by global warming the warmists are going to lock themselves into an endless logic loop and just explode.

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