Hudson Bay bears go for months every summer with no ice, but for some reason Alaskan bears are all going to starve to death because a mid August storm broke up the ice and now they have to swim a few miles off shore.
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But the important thing is how good the fisfing is around Alaska this year . My daughter and son in-law have been catching the halibut. It makes me jealous and they don’t send me any either , but I get pictures of my grandkids catching them and that is even better than fish haha.
This just shows David Appell is full of it, and he has no idea what he is talking about.
I strongly disagree! DA is empty, has no original thought, he can only recite the one mantra. He understands the reactions from what taunts…
There Mr Appell I defended you.
You also agreed Eric, sort of: He has no original thought, he’s full of the AGW echo-chamber Bloviate, Standard issue.
This was a very informative lecture.
“We tend to hear nothing but alarming messages about the current status and future welfare of Polar Bears from animal advocates of all kinds, including lobby groups and activist scientists,” said University of Victoria Adjunct Professor in Anthropology Dr. Susan J. Crockford who is speaking on August
Dem po’ polar bears been co-opted & adopted as poster chillin’ fo’ de’ alarmers. Ah bet bears wish dem green tourists either go ‘way & stop botherin’ ’em, or climb down outta dey big tundra buggies – po’ bears tarred of swimmin’ so far fo’ a meal & breathin’ fumes from de’ big buggies.