The USHCN Mystery Adjustment

We have already seen that the exponentially increasing post 1990 TOBS adjustments are garbage and lacking even a theoretical basis, but what about the the 1.8 degree mystery adjustment which sits on top of TOBS?

What ever it is, it has grown exponentially since 1990. Perhaps the tanking Obama economy is reducing UHI.

In USHCN1 they said “no new adjustments” after 1990 – just like George Bush Sr.

ts.ushcn_anom25_diffs_urb-raw_pg.gif (650×502)

But like Bush Sr. they just couldn’t keep those adjustments contained.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The USHCN Mystery Adjustment

  1. Rob J says:

    I plotted monthly USHCN v2 data (9641C_201208_F52.avg) vs. raw daily and get about a 1.32 F rise for 1900-2011 in v2 vs. an almost flat plot (0.045 F rise) for the raw daily. That seems to be about three times (0.8 F) higher than what they claim in their “adjustments”. Does that sound about right to you, Steve?

  2. Eric Webb says:

    If you know about the adjustments I guess it’s not a “mystery” anymore.

  3. AMA says:

    These growing adjustments probably help match the measured data up to their model predictions. “Well, since our model says it should be Y hot, it must be true so we’ll add on X to our data so it will match”. They of course rationalize this because they so strongly believe in AGW.

    • Jason Calley says:

      @ AMA “Well, since our model says it should be Y hot, it must be true so we’ll add on X to our data so it will match”.

      Yes, this is an increasingly popular research and analysis technique. The classically used term for this process is “lying.”

  4. “Perhaps the tanking Obama economy is reducing UHI.”

    You are on the right tract, Steven, but addiction, confusion, depression, and economic uncertainty are widespread in almost every member of the former “Free West” alliance of nations.

    Why? An irrational response to “nuclear fires” that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in July 1945 and persuaded frightened world leaders to use government research funds to promote:

    a.) Tests to confirm approved models of reality, rather than
    b.) New, unbiased observations of reality to improve models

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