Trenberth/Hansen 15 Years On

Kevin Trenberth told us 15 years ago that El Ninos were increasing due to global warming, even though there wasn’t one shred of evidence or rational thought process behind it.

Hansen forecasts a big El Nino every year. Sadly, the first couple of climate morons appear to be losing another baby boy.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Trenberth/Hansen 15 Years On

  1. kirkmyers says:

    Today’s Nino 3.4 ensemble forecast doesn’t show the current weak el nino (now at +0.7) strengthening beyond +1.0 by next April.

    Hansen and the “team” have been dead wrong with their scary predictions. Yet the dutiful stenographers (er, reporters) in the mainstream media continue to peddle their alarmist nonsense. Thankfully, most people (the ones with critical-thinking skills) aren’t buying it.

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    The sad part is, Hansen could have put his department to use by modeling fundamental El Nino processes to determine their origins.

    These are not known. Instead, modeling is applied to show El Nino increase in frequency and intensity with global warming. Even though the causes of El Nino aren’t known.

    What about this, Global Warming Apologists? Why do you continue to apologize for Hansen? This “climate science” is the most sickening bunch of crud there ever was.

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      The next President of the United States will fix the problem with Federal Government complicity in this charade, I hope

  3. David says:

    Curious plus 7 hot spot north of Alaska??

  4. gator69 says:

    Only in religion does one see the flock so closely follow the shepherd, even after he repeatedly gets them lost. Scientific consensus indeed!

  5. Andy DC says:

    Weak El Nino favors snow for Washington, DC. Better stock up on canned food.

  6. Don Gaddes says:

    The ENSO proponents have had forty years and millions of taxpayers’ money to ‘model’ ‘fundamental El Nino processes to determine their origins’ Brian. They have come up with nothing, nix, nought!
    There is an argument to say they are even more culpable, incompetent and corrupt than the AGW crowd. At least AGW exists!

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