Annan Casts Blame Widely as He Resigns as Syria Envoy
Frustrated by the seemingly intractable Syrian conflict, Kofi Annan announced his resignation on Thursday as the special peace envoy of the United Nations and the Arab League, throwing new doubts on whether a diplomatic solution is possible.
In an announcement tinged with bitterness and regret, Mr. Annan said he could no longer do the job, blaming his decision on what he described as Syrian government intransigence, increasing militance by Syrian rebels and the failure of a divided Security Council to rally forcefully behind his efforts.
Annan Casts Blame Widely as He Resigns as Syria Envoy –
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
UN Peace Envoy –
An ornament of very low value with the utility of a Jello coffee-cup.
Different kind of massacre, I guess. The Rwanda one was done with clubs and machetes.
None of the conflict parties wanted to pay him.
kojo’s your man, it’s said he can “oil” the wheels of progress.