“Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago,”
Romney slams Obama in tough new speech – The Hill’s Ballot Box
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The Biden comment, “put y’all back in chains.”, is outrageous. IMO, that sort of race baiting will eventually backfire. Hopefully this year.
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I do not trust Communists or Capitalists, Obama or Romney, but I congratulate Romney for finally sounding as if he actually cares about this country.
I would prefer to see President Ron Paul restore constitutional limits on government. Then everything else will fall into place.
I whole heatedly agree with you on the Constitutional limits, but I disagree that Ron Paul is the man for that job. I am a staunch Constitutionalist, but Ron Paul? Give me a break. While I agree with a lot of his positions, he is just a little too far out into space for my taste.
But, RP is a principled politician, he states his case and the reasons why, even if generally unpopular.
I’m still trying to figure out what Romney stands for. I don’t trust him. Replacing one corrupt crony politician with another one is not much of an improvement, IMO.
Replacing an America hater with a loyal American is of infinite value.
As near as I can tell, Ron Paul believes we have no right to defend ourselves nor even be prepared to defend ourselves unless and until we are massively attacked inside our national borders. Then only after we have repeatedly failed in negotiation peace with the aggressors.
Sorry. That won’t work. The only way to stop a bully is knock him down and make damn sure he can’t get up and be a bully again – EVER! To do that you not only have to be prepared to defend yourself you have to be intellectually and emotionally armed to accomplish an effective and very aggressive defense. There is NO politician in sight that is so armed.
If I have to choose between irrational positions, I will choose the one that best implements the above. Ron Paul, Romney, AND Obama are irrational in their positions.
All of them will ultimately fail to reinstate our once constitutional republic because of their gross irrationalities. Obama has already failed. Ron Paul can’t keep it for long even if he succeeds. Hopefully, Romney will take take long enough to fail we can rebuild the republic for and by ourselves. Ultimately, THAT is the only way that is going to work and persist.
The Fascist King has no clothes…or ideas…or character … or any hope of re-election. This petty, two-bit, race hustler-in-chief can take his hate-filled dog and pony show back to Crime Wave, Illinois. My grandmother wanted me to add that he’s ugly too!