I found out that I am responsible for the drought.
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- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
That will teach you to drink lots of water 🙂
You feel like a hero for finally admitting it? 🙂
What did you do ? Buy an SUV ? Have you been breathing really hard ? Did you put in a coal furnace ? Are you now raising llivestock ? Come on man what did you do ? Confess your failing !
I bought a Jeep last week.
I bet you are going to haul firewood or go hunting so you will not be using the bicycle to pull a trailer . Oh , I get it , you don’t believe the warmist theory that children will no longer know what snow is and you expect to use it to get around in the drifts .
Great! A Bambi hating, drought inducing, grandchildren dooming denier.
It’s a Jeep thing! 😉
You should drive it up north. No limit on deer ducks and geese in Saskatchewan this year. All you need is a license and a gun. However, I think shooting Alarmists is still illegal.
How do I get a hunting license in Canada?
Some alarmist said he so! 😆
Said so! LMAO!
You have to check with the proviencial regs from that provience you wish to hunt! You should be able to find them online.
There are Guides or outfitters that can help you out or better inform you to make things easier.
Like this for example with the regs.
Or this.
Ah huh,David Viner said snow would be a thing of the past about 2002.Come to NZ have a look at our mountains,and it’s 2012.So jm,was Viner right or wrong?Warmistas would do well to dump some of their scaremongers such as hansen,trenberth,gore,mann,jones,geez,there is too many to name.Oh,and the sweet little kari norgaard.Show me a little respect and I may,just may,show you a little respect.But if you want to continue calling me a Denier,I will show you alarmists no respect whatsoever.The alarmist bloggers here seem to have their heads buried in books and models and theories,and have little knowledge of the real world.
You bastard.
I’m suggesting a new word around this area –
to describe those who spend too much time looking at computer screens and not enough looking at what is going on outdoors
Beats sitting in an office playing ‘scare the people’ by generating more worthless “research” that has a shelf life of hours, and being paid public money for it.