Wind Power Is Like Your Job

It blows in the morning and it sucks in the afternoon.

Vestas to cut 1,400 more jobs as it reports quarterly pre-tax loss | Business | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Wind Power Is Like Your Job

  1. gregole says:

    Is there a credible business model anywhere for so-called renewable energy of any stripe? I have been internet scanning for summaries of renewable energy failures and found this:
    and this:
    From last month:

    Is anybody making any money at so-called renewable energy schemes? Maybe some Chinese are making money selling PVs to suckers in west.

    The failures are just spectacular. And the end does not seem in sight. Gosh the world is full of fools.

  2. cdquarles says:

    Not that I am aware of, and I when I was at the university back in the mid/late 70s ‘alternative and renewable energy’ was the great grant money train too.

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