The temperature today at Vostok, Antarctica is -119F, which may be the coldest September surface temperature ever recorded on this planet.
The all time coldest temperature was -129F during July of 1983.
The temperature today at Vostok, Antarctica is -119F, which may be the coldest September surface temperature ever recorded on this planet.
The all time coldest temperature was -129F during July of 1983.
On the other hand it’s about to get very warm out east:
I think it was the Weather Channel that had a segment Friday showing the new hottest temperature ever – Death Valley.
Supposedly beating 1911 or something. Who knows, I don’t believe a word they say anymore.
The WMO declared that 134 at Death Valley July, 1913 was the hottest temperature ever recorded.
My brother-in-law said it reached 135 when he was stationed in Iraq.
Tell him: “Yeah, but it was a dry heat!” 🙂 Then run.
Holy cow. And I thought winter was over down there.
Difference between min and max is only 208 times the .7C of increase that spell out “death”
Apparently that’s what anthropogenic CO2 does. you know, give earth a temperature! or some shit like that. Who knows, I can’t make sense of it!
Now that would very much freeze the balls of a brass monkey
I guess with the such warmcold the global sea ice is surely doomed.
Yeah, but it would’v been -120.5 if not for global warming.
Now that’s f’n funny. Good work.
When you think about it, Antarctica could be the best place to study the effect of CO2. The pollution does not go there too much. The amount of water vapor is not too high. It is “fully isolated” from the rest of the planet. The only problem is the cooling…
Seems like it is not, but close, coldest September seems to be 121,7 degree F (85,4 degree C)
But looking at the Oktober low (which are much higher) it might be the coldest 16 of September ever recorded.
It’s coldest 16 September ever recorded this century and this millennia.
So uh is it global warming or an ice age? wtf i’m confused.
Its all that and more! Errorlick even got to Pauling
We’re on track for a global catastrophe caused by governments trying to stop the tide, and change the weather