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Daily Archives: September 19, 2012
Argentine Midget Scores A Header
Messi double gives Barca comeback win over Spartak | Reuters Meanwhile, Oscar’s two goals weren’t enough to make up for John Terry’s hapless play. His semifinal red card last season probably secured them the championship.
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Making Your Driveway Snow Free
Push all the snow in your driveway into a huge pile in front of your front door, and then go in the back door and tell your wife that you have calculated that the front of the house is snow-free.
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Another Wave Of Climate Refugees
With summer temperatures in the 60s in the south and the 20s in North Dakota, climate refugees are fleeing the south – just as the moron hockey team predicted. Weather Street: Temperature Forecast Movie
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William And Kate Travel To Topless Island
Tuvalu is supposed to be the first victim of climate change, except for the minor detail that sea level isn’t rising there. Prince William and Kate Middleton continued a tour of the Pacific with a visit to the tiny island nation of Tuvalu … Continue reading
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The one thing I hate about summer is no Champions League.
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France Now Freer Than The US
Obama has presided over numerous key milestones. The first US credit downgrade, $16 trillion in debt, and the destruction of the US Constitution. http://newyork.newsday.com/news/world/charlie-hebdo-cartoon-spurs-french-gov-t-to-order-embassies-schools-to-close-1.4016899
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1940 : Greenland Meltdown Approaching Catastrophe
06 May 1940 – Greenland’s Climate Becoming Milder
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1975 : Climatologists Wanted Permission To Melt The Arctic To Stop Disastrous Climate Change
denisdutton.com/newsweek_coolingworld.pdf The current group of drug abusing scientists wants to freeze the Arctic to stop disastrous climate change.
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Obama Hoping To Redistribute Money From Romney Voters To Obama Voters
Stealing payola money is his only chance of being elected. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge3aGJfDSg4]
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GISS : Screwed Blewed And Tattoed
A month ago, GISS showed this incredibly stupid plot of US temperatures. Besides the fact that the data is massively tampered with to reverse the 80 year cooling trend, they showed 2012 US temperatures approaching infinity. Fig.D.gif (513×517) Now their … Continue reading
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