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He’s becoming a Lesser Romm, if that were at all possible.
Hasn’t he got a family, how can he hope for a decade of suffering for the sake of being right!!
Hasn’t he got a family
Geez – I hope not.
I’d be really worried if I thought that genes as damaged as that actually got passed on.
Uh oh:
Is it ethical to leave little children with alarmist parents, who will brainwash them into believing a catastrophe will happen soon and it’s all the fault of an evil humanity which includes them too?
Looking at it from a descriptive ethics perspective the answer is likely ‘yes’ unless you regard religious belief et al., as unethical.
WOW, your not kidding Appell “your way out of the LOOP”
Ha. What a raving lunatic idiot.
You forget sometimes just how seriously deranged some of these people are.
Maybe all those FEMA camps will come in useful for something after all.
Appell = batshit crazy.
This is a real gem: “I don’t know. Donald Brown, the philosopher at Penn State who has been writing about the ethics of climate change for well over a decade — I interviewed him in the early 2000s — thinks they are perhaps guilty of crimes against humanity.”
Maybe Penn State has bigger issues to deal with?
Ah, he’s home now:
-=NikFromNYC=- Ph.D. in Carbon Chemistry (Columbia, plus postdoctoral work at Harvard)
P.S. My old lab mate whose alternative music CD collection fueled my very high wattage self-powered speakers for a year as we put our soon to retire professor’s lab back on the map making nanometer-sized helical carbon macromolecules just spent the last few years up the street as Columbia’s Dept. of Chemistry chairman. Greenie politics is not really on their radar up there as they pace the halls of the huge new skyscraping interdisciplinary science center that towers proudly over the squalid little Tom’s Diner building down Broadway. Future Nobel Prize winner Marty Chalfie was on my Ph.D. committee as was future American Chemical Society president, Ron Breslow. Upon approving my 500 page thesis I was then awarded the department’s top student award that year. Not even my lab mate got that. The bronze plaques that should have had my name added to them in the building entrance have not survived the recent renovation cycle. Gotta talk to Colin about that, uh hum!
Awesome photo! It really provides an interesting snapshot of the graduate school experience, although I never knew any grad student’s desk to look quite that shabby.
Thought crimes.
How progressive.
It’s consistent with the progressive movement at least.
Wow,,, from his rant “I’m just barely old enough to perhaps die in such a decade, but if that’s what it really takes….” Stat….he needs a psychiatrist quick, sounds suicidal to me, induced by narcissistic rage. From Appells perspective, we are all stupid and are unable to understand or grasp the intricacies and nuances of modern climate science like he (Appell) can. All I can say is that I feel sorry for him and that he gets the psychiatric help he needs.
I think David is writing his version of the biblical Book of Lamentations. Instead of mourning the destruction of Jerusalem he mourns the destruction of his religion. His version is kinda short on poetry tho’. I think he has hopes of it being appended to the upcoming edition of the warmist climate bible.
I just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading the big A’s post over at the Soup.
It is remarkable how the big A’s writing has careened into the ditch. To think that he had published an article in SciAm, and better yet an interview with The Mann.
“Perhaps we need a decade of true suffering — I mean REAL hardship — to break them of their idiocy. I’m just barely old enough to perhaps die in such a decade, but if that’s what it really takes….”
Poor David would be devastated if “climate change” turned out to be a non problem. His type thrives on the thought that some flavour of Armageddon is nigh.
“Are they? Are Anthony Watts and Marc Morano and Tom Nelson and Steve Goddard smart enough to be guilty of climate crimes?
I think so. You can simply claim that CO2 isn’t a greenhouse gas.”
Criminalizing free speech and making false accusations in one breath. David is real piece of work, isn’t he. David, show us where any of these four “climate criminals” have said that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.
The man may be just preaching the “fire and brimstone” sermon for the benefit of his choir of fans but he is comes off as simply delusional to anyone with half a brain.
It is the alarmists who conveniently ignore water vapor, which accounts for 95 percent of the greenhouse gases. Instead, they rail about CO2 — the man-made portion — which accounts for 0.117 percent of the greenhouse effect. The warming effect of this trace atmospheric component is so small it isn’t even measurable — a signal buried in naturally occuring climate shifts caused by the sun, oceanic oscillations and volcanism.
The AGW scare is the product of manipulated general circulation models, not observational reality. it is a fraud perpetrated by greedy politicians, bankers, and CO2 commodities traders and their allies in academia and government who have jumped aboard the global warming gravy train.
The “doomers” have some deep-seated psychological need that needs to be fulfilled by putting themselves into a position of importance, a desperate need to feel they matter and seek recognizion and praise for their accomplishments to mankind. The whole world is on a wrong path, except them, and they are out to “educate” everybody about their sins and how to gain a secular salvation. They are preachers in the sense, they want to be appreciated and looked upon as superior. I mean, after all, just what is the make up of a person who thinks they are actually out to “save the world”? They just as well put on one of those sandwich board signs that says, “The End is Nigh”……..a cartoon.
Cuckoo, Cuckoo….
To think that this guy would throw out the Constitution for 4 rather than 3 molecules per 1,000.
As far as ethics go, these guys have no real case without cooking the books. That does not sound
very ethical to me. A drought last summer proves nothing, no more so than an even far worse drought in 1894. David’s pretense of intellectual superiority is laughable.
That’d be 4 out of 10,000. Just keeping you honest. 😉
0.5 x103 metres/year/1000yrs. So since 1012 sea level has risen 5metres or 16.4 ft and has exposed tree stumps which show hurricanes of many years ago ??
Is that right? Did I understand that correctly.?
“So since 1012 sea level has risen 5metres(…)?”
Not in England, it hasn’t: most of the land of England and Wales was catalogued (for tax purposes)in the Domesday book in the 1080’s.
Let’s give a cheer for iron fisted medieval totalitarians who couldn’t let a farthing of taxable goods go unaudited.
hip hip …
should be 10^3.
“Perhaps we need a decade of true suffering — I mean REAL hardship — to break them of their idiocy. I’m just barely old enough to perhaps die in such a decade, but if that’s what it really takes….”
And how the hell does this idot think his aims will be achieved by this or more relavent, what aims will be achieved ? What is the “it” in this phrase?
APPEL, you are barking mad !!
David Appell, history will record that you and your friends ultimately failed in your effort to create the kind of world you wanted. You can denounce us, you can decry us, you can threaten us with conviction for “crimes against humanity”. God only knows what else you really want for us that you wouldn’t dare publish at this moment.
But absolutely nothing you write or say about us can change the weather on the ground. Nor can you change people’s experience of the same. You might be able to mess with people’s heads a little, but ultimately, you need the weather to cooperate in order for that sort of trick to hold fast. The odds are very definitely against you in this regard.
You allude to 98% of the people being oblivious to any of the arguments and information being presented by skeptics and realists in the blogs. I can assure you from personal experience this is not the case. Since I am confident that my personal experience means positively nothing to you, I submit that it is blindingly clear (at least to the reasonable observer) that Romney did not change his position on climate policy due to any shift in his belief regarding Earth’s climate, but rather due to massive pressure from both conservative and moderate supporters of his. That pressure has suddenly come about for one simple reason, and only one reason: the people have finally begun to understand that the weather is not doing what the “experts” have being telling them it is. (Quite the contrary, in fact.)
Just a brief reply to something else; you allude to merely wanting to “[clean] up the world”, and nothing more, sort of asking with a totally bogus air of innocence what could possibly be wrong with that. Naturally (and as you are certainly aware), no halfway coherent person could possibly be against cleaning up the environment to the extent which is feasible without placing any extra burden on the poor or the downtrodden. But of course (and again, as you are without the slightest shadow of a doubt aware), that is not even close to what your friends have proposed and continue to propose.
Our side does indeed have some shameful behavior to answer for, but taken as a whole, it doesn’t hold a candle to the shameful behavior of our opponents in this hot mess of a debate which will surely drag on for some time to come. Trying to tar all of us with the offenses or perceived offenses of a few will not be a long-term successful strategy. I’m sure it feels just thrilling to do, but it will inevitably backfire on you, because the weather is not cooperating. Worst case scenario, even if there were a total Bolshevik revolution in the U.S. and Obama or some such other criminal were installed as “president for life” or “paramount leader” or some such nonsense, you still could not get the results you are dreaming of, for one simple reason: the weather, is not, cooperating. I’m sorry if that hurts, but it is reality — the one thing that neither you nor your many heroes can ever adjust away.
$515 Billion Drag Looms:
Using official government sources, the National Federation of Independent Business calculates there are more than 4,000 federal rules in the pipeline, and that just the 13 biggest ones would, if imposed in an Obama second term, cost businesses a total of more than $515 billion over four years.
I think he was reliving his college days and experimenting ….. sometimes you go on a trip and never come back.
His words should be celebrated. Just remember what kind of world would we be living in if the likes of an Appell had no cause to rant.
I would encourage everyone to read the book ‘Merchants of Despair’.
It is nice to see some of these idiotic alarmists like Appel come unglued as they realize that they are losing the battle. After years of fudging and faking data they are being exposed for the charlatans that they are. Oh, and David, I have 3 degrees in the sciences so you can’t say I don’t know how to look at the data.
Appell is really flailing there.
Man, they really want to punish someone.
Classic witch burners. The weather isn’t perfect. it must be someone’s fault.
That is probably the best analogy of Alarmists I have seen to date!
It is all part of the liberals’ larger agenda to control private enterprise:
Alarmists often exhibit a toxi brew of anti-capitalism and misanthropy. The more extreme types truly hate mankind, who they view as some sort of global pollutant. They have forgotten that humans since prehistoric times have been engaged in a never-ending battle against the vagaries and vicissitudes of Mother Nature.
Most rational grown-ups don’t want to abandon their fossil-fuel-powered modern amenities — electricity, heating and airconditioning, the internal-combusion engine, air travel, and high-speed communications. They don’t want to return to the pre-industrial days of economic deprivation, hardship and starvation.
If the back-to-nature crowd wants to live like nomadic nut-gatherers, no one will stop them. But the rest of us would prefer that our government not shut down the economy in a fruitless and costly effort to eliminate a mythical bogeyman called “global warming.”
Obviously he is CO2 affected. In fact the more crap he speaks, the more CO2 rises.
So now denying the 70s ice age scare? At least erasing the 30s is possible because everyone is dead from those times, however the 70s has majority of people still alive and can shoot him down.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive. Especially when the deception is believed by the deceiver.
His next step is likely to appear on main street, with tangled hair and long beard while wearing a dirty tattered monks robe. His sandals are broken. He is holding a sign reading: “Repent, the end is near. You have destroyed the earth with your evil vapors.”, All the while screaming something like: “You did it! you did it to us all.. You evil users of fossil fuels. You have committed the original sin of wanting to live, to live well, and to have actually achieving it by using your minds on your own behalf. You will be cursed till the end of time and beyond.” as he descends into total madness. Except the words won’t be clear and the persons at whom the words are directed stopped listening a long time ago. The final irony is that he did it all by himself to himself while imagining himself as master of the universe.
Odysseus was sent into exile by the gods for twenty years for imagining that he was in control.
Where is this d-bag (Appel)? Is he too chicken to post here anymore?
“Words from the mouth of the wise are gracious, but fools are consumed by their own lips.”
– Ecclesiastes 10:12
There was once a time, even within my lifetime, when people who knew nothing knew that they knew nothing, and didn’t pretend that they knew something.
He’s always talking about himself.
He is probably out looking for his hotspot. I know what he isnt doing, he isnt mentioning the fact that every IPCC prediction so far had gone the wrong way since AR4.
“When I profiled Michael Mann for Scientific American, he said he thought it would eventually be illegal to deny climate change. I had doubts about that, but maybe.”
A crime to deny Climate Change?
Damn. This shit is bonkers. I want to feel sorry for this guy due to the lashing you guys are giving him, but DAAAAMMMMNNNN.
I always thought that little freak was a cat person. Dogs would would have him on a leash.
Ahhh, I love smell of despersation in the morning! 😉
David Appell found my video and blew up the comment section. He tried for days to, not poke holes in it, but invent holes in it.
He really is a stupid man.
sorry wrong video