Dems Open Convention With $16 Trillion Debt

US National Debt – refresh for latest

In 2008, Obama promised to fix the $8 trillion debt.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Dems Open Convention With $16 Trillion Debt

  1. markstoval says:

    Bloomberg News last week had an article that put the real debt at more like 222 Trillion. Now that is real money!

    • Richard T. Fowler says:

      Well, you know, a hundred trillion here, a hundred trillion there … and pretty soon you’re talking real money. 😉

      I guess there are still some out there who believe we’re not yet into “real money” ’cause we apparently haven’t racked up enough hundreds of trillions on the Fed credit card yet.


      • Richard T. Fowler says:
        September 3, 2012 at 5:25 pm

        Well, you know, a hundred trillion here, a hundred trillion there … and pretty soon you’re talking real money.



  2. slimething says:

    Now it is official. Clinton led the charge in the 90’s, and Obama was directly involved in the sub prime bubble which was the real cause of the 2008 crash, not George Bush’s policies. This is not to defend the spending habits of of GW, but the facts are in the first 6 years with a Republican Congress, the debt rose $2 Trillion.

  3. slimething says:

    Hmm, it didn’t post correctly.

    The last sentence should read “This is not to defend the spending habits of of GW, but the facts are in the first 6 years with a Republican Congress, the debt rose less than $3 Trillion, and the last two years with Pelosi and Reid greater than $2 Trillion.

  4. leftinbrooklyn says:

    US National Debt – refresh for latest number of reasons to not vote for Obama

  5. Obama certainly fixed the 8 trillion dollar debt, he turned it into a 16 trillion dollar debt!

  6. gofer says:

    “The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get and to promise to give it to them.” –American writer H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)

  7. Are inner city blacks ready for Barack Obama to lose? There could be some anger and small scale riots that night. I, unfortunately, have to pass through Oakland , CA to get to work. If you have no experience with cities like Oakland, Detroit, Compton, and Flint, then you won’t understand what I am talking about.

    • Up here in New Hampshire, I’m sure the rioting will be rather subdued. I kinda worry for some of the folks I know in Philadelphia, though: certain groups have a rather nasty habit of burning their own neighbourhoods, & there are a lot of decent folk who don’t deserve to have their windows smashed or their cars torched.

      • leftinbrooklyn says:

        Nice state, NH….worked about a year and a half in Salem when I lived in Boston. and lots of snowboarding trips to the mountains. Left a lotta blood on a black diamond at Loon last year. 🙂

    • leftinbrooklyn says:

      I’ve thought about this, unfortunately. A block away from the largest housing project in NYC. Called the crack cocaine capital of America in the early 90s. Now, from those I’ve met, most are decent people, but some prone to violence still live among them.
      Don’t see as much enthusiasm for O this time around though. And in the more upscale areas, haven’t noticed the ‘ yoga in the park for Obama’ signs like in ’08.

      • ‘ yoga in the park for Obama’

        I read an interesting article, and also saw it talked about in “Obama 2016” that a big reason Obama was such a phenomenon in the culture is because it was an opportunity to put into public documentation that America is not a racist Nation. But now that it’s on record there’s no more need to do it and America is free to move on.

      • leftinbrooklyn says:

        ‘But now that it’s on record there’s no more need to do it and America is free to move on.’

        Let’s hope that’s the case….I saw a similar post somewhere, something like: ‘Ok, so you voted for him the first time to prove that you’re not racist. So, vote against him this time to prove you’re not stupid.’

  8. slimething says:

    I grew up minutes away from Detroit. I am now about 40 minutes from Flint. So yes, I fully understand. Don’t forget about Saginaw, where I work, fortunately at the outskirts.

    2013 is not going to be a good year no matter. Inflation is going to really kick in. People think prices for food are high now? Wait until next year; everything will be going up.

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