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Important Reminder – None Of This Ice Exists
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I can see it’s not there.
must be very thin, cuts though a boat like a knife. good thing it didn’t exist during the cold war. or the US could have spotted it.
So that is where they put all the styrofoam…
This clip is presented on the homepage of arctic.io: “Weathergirl goes rogue”
Actually, this is one of the better CAGW clips, I think. Yes, they still got many of their “facts” wrong, but on the other hand, they were entertaining and managed to make a video that did NOT portray murdering any children, did not drop polar bears from the sky, did not show little girls facing oncoming trains, etc.
They are getting a little better!
On a side note, I sympathize with many of the CAGW crowd. I have friends and family who really, really truly believe that the world is already too far gone to save. Yeah, it is completely wrong — but they are convinced. Think of them as higher-tech versions of the people who burned their homes and stood on mountain tops waiting for the end of the world. Crazy… but still, they are convinced. They have trouble sleeping at night, they think that all the larger life forms on earth will vanish with the world going into some sort of death spiral. I have no sympathy for the fraudsters who pretend to be scientists while they spew out their fantasies of “adjusted” data — but as for the rank and file, the ground troops of CAGW, well, they really do deserve some compassion. Poor misguided followers; imagine what the world looks like to them.
Unless I missed it, Julienne never seems to have responded to my list of references showing that the Arctic generally, and Greenland in particular, have been warmer with less ice cover for most of the recent past than now.
The exception is the LIA, which appears to be the coldest period since the Ice Age.
Even now, I am made to feel paranoid by my friends and family when I tell them the data is “adjusted” and not raw data. Can’t we somehow get this notion thru their thick skulls? This may easily be the biggest hoax in history.
Funny, usually Steven links to arctic.io using a low resolution view of the full Arctic mosaic claiming enough ice for the bears. Now – end of season – he switches to highres images showing the remains of a record year remembering there is still ice below the 15% threshold. I’ll have to ask NASA to lower the orbit of their satellite next year so even desolate floes smaller than a square meter are detectable to keep him in business. This is how the borders of science are pushed.
What a whacked out comment.
Consistent with glue sniffing symptoms.