This is right off his web site
If someone made a web site titled “White Americans Against Obama” – they would probably be targeted by the DOJ as committing a hate crime.
This is right off his web site
If someone made a web site titled “White Americans Against Obama” – they would probably be targeted by the DOJ as committing a hate crime.
“European Americans for Romney” would be called racist in the mainstream media 24 hours a day until the person that made the slogan resigned and apologies are given with a sheepish look in the eye, i.e., there would be a mainstream media lynching.
I wonder how much truth is in that slogan?
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Of course they would, they investigated that old man in Texas who hung an empty chair in his tree.
I am a member of
“Nearly White People for Romney”.
Like the white/hispanic, I’m sure the white/black are also welcome!
“Smart people not for Obamassiah”
Because I never vote for naked Emperors or empty suits.
Or chairs for that matter.
My favorite African American is Charlize Theron…but then, I’m prejudiced.
I have to vote for Navin Johnson
I can understand the black population looking for a role model, but Obama is not it.
Now all they need are a bunch of black sheets, with hoods.
This is what I don’t understand. Obama is half Caucasian and yet he is identified as African American or black. Is there a problem with just being a plain old American.
Actually he is african american. His father is from Kenya. He may be as well.