Obama promised to make energy costs skyrocket, and he delivered.
Record-high Labor Day gasoline prices greet Democrats in Charlotte – Andrew Restuccia – POLITICO.com
Obama promised to make energy costs skyrocket, and he delivered.
Record-high Labor Day gasoline prices greet Democrats in Charlotte – Andrew Restuccia – POLITICO.com
Prepare for more of the same if the Dems win, with their proud support of curbing evil greenhouse gasses.
I don’t guess we will be seeing Moped One pulling up in front of ‘Bank of America Stadium’.
Now if the middle class can be made to pay > $26.6-per-gallon for biofuel, that the military recently paid rather than the $2.50-per-gallon the service pays for each gallon of petroleum, the Dems would be very happy as would the Chinese who are ramping up fossil fuel use ala “hockey stick” increase fashion. The beauty of biofuels is that using land and water to grow fuel instead of food shows the Dems committment to an energy policy that will definitely support John Holdren’s vision of global population reduction via starvation. It’s a Dem win win.
[My jnova comment:] In America, in the last ~ 3 years there has developed a unmistakeable chasm between the positions of Democrats and Republicans (conservatives) on AGW.
The question is… why the conservative / leftist chasm?
It is not that conservatives are stupid or hateful or anti-science. Instead, for the answer, lets first look at the draconion 83% mandated CO2 cuts by 2050 in the cap & trade bill that -passed- the U.S. House in 2009 (over nearly unanimous Republican opposition). Without question, these brutal cuts would have precipitated massive de-industrialization.
Conservatives have never felt that the extreme measures proposed by the warmists are something desirable, but Democratic Senator Tim Worth put it this way: “Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing.” Herein lies the starting point for the chasm that has developed.
Conservatives were never thrilled with the idea of de-industrialization. But, I was arguing with my Democrat brother about AGW, and predictably, he says that he is not in favor of de-industrialization. YET, when it comes right down to it, we can expect that my brother and most of his ilk would be in favor of Obama’s Energy Secretary Stephen Chu’s desire to see gas prices rise to $10 a gallon or higher, and of Obama’s call to see electricity prices skyrocket, perhaps to as high as $2 a kilowatt hour. These type of energy prices are what proponents of their cap & trade bill hoped to achieve, and energy prices like that would directly cause economic disaster (more charitably put, it would cause “de-industrialization.”)
So, while the warmist Democrats may not always say they explicitly favor de-industrialization per se, they favor policies that would bring about de-industrialization.