Shhhh! Met Office Scientists At Work

Global warming continues to pose a real threat that should not be ignored – a claim reinforced in a new study by scientists, reported in a supplement of the August issue of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. This is despite very small global temperature rises over the last 10 years.

the Met Office’s decadal forecast predicts renewed warming after 2010 with about half of the years to 2015 likely to be warmer globally than the current warmest year on record.

Global warming set to continue – Met Office

So far, the Met Office has been wrong on 93% of the days since 2010, with only 20 days warmer than the same day in 2010, and 635 days cooler than 2010.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Shhhh! Met Office Scientists At Work

  1. chrismorph says:

    I seem to recall Julia Sligo declaring 2010 the warmest on record as she set off for Cancun, only to be stuck at Heathrow due to the snow that the Met Office failed to predict. The MO is a joke, even in the UK. If they predict drought, I pack an umbrella.

  2. kirkmyers says:

    The MET Office is nothing, if not persistent. There could be snow on the ground through the summer in Scotland, and the snow-is-a-thing-of-the-past MET pros would still be predicting a “right around the corner” CO2-induced global temperature rise. The MET office lost credibility long ago when it jumped on the AGW bandwagon and abandoned science in favor of activism.

  3. Andy DC says:

    With a llittle adjusting here and a little tweaking there, the MET office can make any forecast come true!

  4. Bruce says:

    Global warming IS a real threat. If it keeps not happening the UK Met Office climate staffers are at real threat of losing their jobs!

  5. Richard Kelly says:

    I couldn’t agree more with your article. Back in 2009, I wrote an opinion piece about the accuracy of
    the Australian Met Office forecasts. In 2834 days, they managed to predict both the minimum and maximum temperatures correctly on only 239 occasions – approximately one day in 12 (or 8.4% of the time). The average total error in their predictions was 2.4 degrees, whilst their maximum error was 9 degrees!
    I’ve also been monitoring their 7-day forecasts and have found that their forecast is correct only 4.1% of the time or once every 25 days, with an average error of 3.43 degrees.

    So Much for the accuracy of the IPCC’s 100-year projections.

    I can forward a pdf copy of my Opinion Piece, if you are interested and you have my permission to post it on your website.

    Regards … Richard Kelly

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