HadSST has updated through July, and now shows 16 years of temperature decline.
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Oh yeah? Just wait until the missing heat is found! /sarc
Recent research by Hansen, et al., suggests that there is no “missing heat.”
Has Hansen updated his forecast that Manhattan would drown by 2008?
“Recent research by Hansen, et al….”
Playing with the HansenSoft(c) games machine manufacturing more spurious data to base more ridiculous claims on. is what they do – and get overpaid for it.
40,000 atom bombs of sh*t by NASAs least respected idiot.
Don Sutherland
Did you know James Hansen receives quite a bit of money for his global warming activism?
Is this the paper where he mysteriously blames the current missing heat on atmospheric aerosols and the 1991 Pinatubo eruption? Or is it a new bunch of wacky excuses for why his theory is not matching observations?
Don why do you still bother to read his stuff when he has been exposed as scam scientist with his periodic fiddling of temperature data and his insane we are going to die soon pablum?
He has no credibility left to go on.
Shhhhhh. We’re supposed to be tunnel-visioned on the arctic this month.
We’re not supposed to resist. Resistance is futile. We will be assimilated. Or, we will be called deniers and have comedy videos made of us.
I have wondered why there never seemed to be interest in the observation that there has been a slight decrease in sea ice in the N.H. and a slight increase in the S.H. Total ice remaining about the same. Could there be a study of change in ocean currents or some other phenomena?
Government money has been doled out for much less!
Have you looked at ENSO-area SSTs lately? I’m starting to wonder if this year’s El Niño will be a stillborn. Probably a bit early yet,though.
I am sure in their twisted minds the warmers will say that this is undoubtably from global warming due to some strange anomaly.
This could explain then why the Antarctic sea ice is increasing yearly.This global warming is strange, the world is getting warmer and yet in some places the temperature is stable even if it is variable and the Antactic sea ice is increasing in summer while the Arctic sea ice declines.
Donald, see my note above. If I had the where with all I would do the study.
We have storms that occur in the winter only (In early September) along the western Alaska coast and Humpback whales are hauling ass to the Hawaiian islands for their winter feeding grounds, which is the earliest in recorded history.
Global warming rocks!
I’ll take the wisdom of a Humpback over that of an alarmist every time. Whales follow natural science. Not computer science.
“I do think there’s a great opportunity for folks who loose money / crops due to cold to sue Hansen and NASA for “failure to deliver”.
They promised global warming! And I want mine!!!”
Original comment from E.M. Smith aka ChefIO
Hansen, et al are claiming that the oceans in the Southern Hemisphere are predominently above normal. If real stations in the real world are showing otherwise, that would make that claim highly dubious.
Overall ARGO is showing the world’s oceans are cooling. GISS dropped using ARGO data—to no surprise.