Still Not A Peep Out Of NSIDC

Antarctic sea ice is rapidly approaching the greatest areal coverage ever recorded at either pole. NSIDC is mum about this event, choosing instead to feature some world class nonsense about disappearing sea ice threatening penguins.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Still Not A Peep Out Of NSIDC

  1. Andy DC says:

    -119 weather causes rapid ice melt. Every idiot knows that (sarc).

  2. Streetcred says:

    The Antarctic is ‘antipodean’ … kind of beyond their radar.

  3. kirkmyers says:

    Apparently, the South Pole didn’t get the memo about “thinning and shrinking antarctic ice.” The next “March of the Penguins” should be straight to NSDIC headquarters in Boulder. Our Emperor Penguin friends can lay a few more eggs in a place that is now famous for egg laying.

  4. lance says:

    Goal Posts are in the Arctic….

  5. Shooter says:

    Yeah, like penguins can’t survive tropical climate.

    Also, I LOVE it when these junk studies say: “IF warming continues” – when there hasn’t been any warming! They just assume that it is warming! They don’t even know the average temperature of the planet.

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