William And Kate Travel To Topless Island

Tuvalu is supposed to be the first victim of climate change, except for the minor detail that sea level isn’t rising there.

Prince William and Kate Middleton continued a tour of the Pacific with a visit to the tiny island nation of Tuvalu yesterday. For more than a decade the so-called ‘sinking island’ has been held up as an example of the dangers of manmade climate change yet the duke and duchess cannot see the effects because there are none.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit supposed island casualty of global warming – National Climate Change | Examiner.com


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to William And Kate Travel To Topless Island

  1. “This small nation is beginning to see the eefcts resulting from accelerated sea-level rise; these effects include coastal erosion, saline intrusion, and sea flooding, among other impacts.”


    Never let data get in the way of a good scare I guess. 🙂

    • Marian says:

      Yeah Will.

      Never let data get in the way of a good scare.

      They don’t tell you the “Inconvenient Truth. As some of flooding in Tuvalu along with other of their Woes blamed on AGW/CC are cause by their own anthropogenic stupidity. Including damming up a lagoon and turning it into a rubbish dump. Now because of that the surrounding area floods when it never flooded before. 🙂

  2. (The typo is in the original activist website page, not me.)

  3. Alan says:

    Tuvalu issued a postage stamp set featuring the Obamas – see:

  4. The only thing dangerous on that island right now is the stupidity of Kate and Will to be in locations where they can be photographed like that.

    Headquarters of the magazine was raided to get the identity of the photographer? Unbelievable!

    They should rather be looking into how it was okayed that they were in a location that was in range for getting such photos. Someone in charge of that should be fired!

    Also, even if they were in a location where no photos could have been taken I wonder how Kate felt comfortable enough around all the guards to take her top off?

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