A Closer Look At Greenland Farming Operations

Global warming has brought a massive farming boom to Greenland. With only 15 weeks left in the growing season, farmers are hard at work tending to their crops.

ScreenHunter_52 May. 09 06.40

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to A Closer Look At Greenland Farming Operations

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Cotton farming in Greenland. How awesome it looks. They’ll be harvesting soon. Denmark are now the cotton kings of the world.

  2. ozspeaksup says:

    yummy I hear

  3. James says:

    Wondered where they grow crushed ice.

  4. gator69 says:

    I just hope they can keep the wild camels out of the arugula fields this year.

  5. What a spectacular crop so early in the season. That must be the wheat they make White Bread with.

  6. Andy DC says:

    The orange groves and coffee trees are doing just fine.

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