Abortion Now Classified As Aggravated Murder

Planned Parenthood will be up in arms that Castro was denied the right to choose to murder babies terminate unwanted pregnancies. They do the same thing millions of times a year – with the President’s blessing.

On Thursday, Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty said the murder charges were based on evidence from Michelle Knight that Mr Castro had impregnated her, then physically abused and starved her in order to induce five miscarriages while she was being held captive in his house in Cleveland.

“I fully intend to seek charges for each and every act of sexual violence, rape, each day of kidnapping, every felonious assault, all his attempted murders, and each act of aggravated murder he committed by terminating pregnancies that the offender perpetuated against the hostages,” Mr McGinty told a news conference.

Study: Texting And Driving Kills More Teens Annually Than Drinking And Driving « CBS New York

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Abortion Now Classified As Aggravated Murder

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    Great catch! I was thinking the same thing. mostly because many liberals always yell that unborn babies are not humans. I have trotted out the Scott Peterson case. If the DA does go through with this, and does get a conviction, it will be devastating to PP.

    But as it stands now, they are in a no win situation. Do they defend Castro? I am sure that will win them friends. Watch for them to apply a lot of arm twisting to the DA to drop the Murder charges. No charges, no precedent.

  2. gator69 says:

    “When the team members entered the clinic, they were appalled, describing it to the Grand Jury as ‘filthy,’ ‘deplorable,’ ‘disgusting,’ ‘very unsanitary, very outdated, horrendous,’ and ‘by far, the worst’ that these experienced investigators had ever encountered. There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets. All the women had been sedated by unlicensed staff – long before Gosnell arrived at the clinic – and staff members could not accurately state what medications or dosages they had administered to the waiting patients. Many of the medications in inventory were past their expiration dates… surgical procedure rooms were filthy and unsanitary… resembling ‘a bad gas station restroom.’ Instruments were not sterile. Equipment was rusty and outdated. Oxygen equipment was covered with dust, and had not been inspected. The same corroded suction tubing used for abortions was the only tubing available for oral airways if assistance for breathing was needed…”[27]

    [F]etal remains [were] haphazardly stored throughout the clinic– in bags, milk jugs, orange juice cartons, and even in cat-food containers… Gosnell admitted to Detective Wood that at least 10 to 20 percent… were probably older than 24 weeks [the legal limit]… In some instances, surgical incisions had been made at the base of the fetal skulls. The investigators found a row of jars containing just the severed feet of fetuses. In the basement, they discovered medical waste piled high. The intact 19-week fetus delivered by Mrs. Mongar three months earlier was in a freezer. In all, the remains of 45 fetuses were recovered … at least two of them, and probably three, had been viable.”


    This animal was keeping trophies.

  3. daveburton says:

    We certainly have had a series of monsters in the news, here in America, lately: the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston, Gosnell in Pennsylvania, & now the three Castro brothers in Ohio. <shudder!>

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