American Experts In 1881 : Telegraph Lines To Knock The Earth Off Its Axis, Melt The Poles And Cause Tremendous Earthquakes

Would President Obama have banned telegraph lines to save the planet?

ScreenHunter_76 May. 10 02.51


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to American Experts In 1881 : Telegraph Lines To Knock The Earth Off Its Axis, Melt The Poles And Cause Tremendous Earthquakes

  1. david says:

    Clearly from an early incarnation of a climate scientist.

  2. Lance says:

    If we can save one pole….

  3. Bill Irvine says:

    Was there not once a theory about twisters being kicked off by road traffic, depending on which side of the road was being driven on, Northern and Southern hemispheres being opposite.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    Must have been Hansen’s great great Grand Pappie

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