Arctic Alarmism Smoking Gun

In 1947, scientists reported that the Arctic had warmed 10 degrees since 1900, and that sea level had been rising faster than one mm per year at Spitsbergen.

ScreenHunter_279 May. 06 05.34

31 May 1947 – The Arctic is melting says scientist Los Angeles…

Since this was reported in 1947, sea level at Spitsbergen has fallen at a rate of 2.8 mm per year.

ScreenHunter_283 May. 06 05.49 ScreenHunter_282 May. 06 05.45

Data and Station Information for BARENTSBURG

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Arctic Alarmism Smoking Gun

  1. AnonMkII says:

    I recall reading that the ground was still rising, springing back up, after the last ice age. Is that in anyway a factor in the sea level decrease here? Or does this area still have the same amount of land ice for that not to be a factor?

  2. Jussi says:

    The reason is the post-glacial rebound not a conspiracy.

    For example here in Finland it is up to 9 mm per year.

    • I hate to stress your brain and actually make you think, but the news article stated that sea level was rising there prior to 1947.

      • Jussi says:

        Yes, sea level has been rised at Spitsbergen 1 mm a year. But on the same time ground has been rised 4 mm a year. As a result sea level has been falled 3 mm a year.

  3. cosmoscon says:

    Don’t look now but NPR messed up and let it slip that there was a lot of ice in the arctic last summer.

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