Benghazi : Only One Question Remains

Should Obama be impeached for blithering incompetence and dereliction of duty? Or should he be impeached for treason, malfeasance, fraud and treachery. Or perhaps all of the above?

How about Candy Crowley – who helped the White House cover up ahead of the election?

ScreenHunter_293 May. 06 10.33

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Benghazi : Only One Question Remains

  1. gator69 says:

    How about accessory to murder?

  2. Dave G says:

    The evening LSM news should be interesting come wednesday

    • The White House must have something big planned for tomorrow or Wednesday, to make sure the hearings don’t get any attention. Something to further frighten Americans into throwing away their freedom.

      • Glacierman says:

        Well they did bust some bubba in Minnesota that started the “black snake militia”. Evil white guy that doesn’t like the government is stopped from committing a terrorist act. Fits the Meme perfectly.

  3. Jim says:

    Obama should not and will not be impeached for anything. How about a bet ?
    How about put your money where your mouth is !

  4. I. Lou Minotti says:

    The truth is finally coming out, even though this atrocity happened “so long ago” (Obama/Carney) that “it doesn’t really matter” (Hillary):

  5. Steve

    Do you have to keep putting up pictures of that fat ugly pig. I was about to have tea!

  6. Pathway says:

    Ms. Crowley needs to go to a reeducation er.. fat camp.

  7. crosspatch says:

    To my mind the impeachable offense is negligent homicide. The Libya mission asked repeatedly for more security. Charlene Lamb testified that she eventually had to tell them to stop asking because they weren’t going to get any and she also testified that budget constraints were not a factor in the decision. So you had a mission begging for security because they feared they were vulnerable to attack. Then when the attack occurred, they were denied help. There were forces ready to deploy but were told to stand fast by AFRICOM according to the latest reporting. The reaction force in Tripoli was denied use of a military transport plane and had to fly commercial(!) from Tripoli to Benghazi meaning they could not bring many of their weapons and they arrived hours too late having to wait for the first commercial flight of the morning.

    This is negligent homicide.

  8. Wyguy says:

    Hey, I’m fat, dumb and ugly, when do I get my own TY show?

  9. slimething says:

    Today on Sean Hannity a person called in claiming to be the one manning the camera on the drone over Benghazi on 9/11/2012. He sounded credible and described in great detail what he witnessed. He said there was no doubt in his mind this is being covered up at the highest level. Hannity asked why Congress has not contacted him or others at the station that evening, and he didn’t have an answer. I suspect he’ll be mentioned on the TV program tonight.

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