Berwyn Asks : “Is Colorado Ground Zero for global warming?”

Two years ago we had record spring snowfall in Colorado, which apparently prompted Berwyn to wonder if global warming was targeting us.

ScreenHunter_141 May. 12 05.07

Is Colorado Ground Zero for global warming? | Summit County Citizens Voice

This year we have also had record snowfall along the Front Range, and the entire state has had far below normal temperatures.

ScreenHunter_140 May. 12 05.06

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Even music and beer can’t get the locals worried about global warming.

The 2013 Colorado Climate Festival brought out several activists and a couple hundred attendees to Denver’s Civic Center on Saturday.

Although organizers had hoped for a larger crowd, the event was still a chance for activists to raise awareness and encourage residents to do more to stem global warming, conserve water and drive less.

In addition to live music, beer and organization booths, the festival had seven speakers address what’s being done about the climate situation and how Coloradans can do more.

We’re trying to create activists,” said Auden Schendler, one of the speakers.

Denver’s Colorado Climate Festival talks about what the city can do – The Denver Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Berwyn Asks : “Is Colorado Ground Zero for global warming?”

  1. miked1947 says:

    I guess they picked the right weekend for a climate protest! 😉 After all the wonderful “Mild” weather you have been having! 🙂

  2. Kaboom says:

    If the organizer claim hundreds it most likely were about three dozen.

  3. phodges says:

    and who paid for this?

    follow the money…

  4. Billy Liar says:

    If you organize a festival aren’t you, in effect, encouraging people to drive more? They should organize a festival where you ‘work from home’ – get music on the iPod and beer from the fridge.

  5. rw says:

    “Denver’s Colorado Climate Festival talks about what the city can do”

    If these gals really want to make themselves useful, they can start knitting mittens.

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      In their completely misguided stupidity, at least they’re (stupidly?) honest that they’re trying to create activists 😉

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