2013 is bringing record spring snow cover to the Northern Hemisphere, so Berwyn writes today about declining spring snow cover. He had to get this piece in before Rutgers updates their graph to include 2013.
Here is the view today in Summit County
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Is that a cherry I see on the left side of that graph? 😉
Maybe Berwyn has a cherry tree outside his office.
Berwyn, of course, cherry picks data, and then goes one step further and blames the declining spring snowcover (not this year in Central and Eastern Europe and in America’s midsection) on man-made global warming. How exactly was he able to deduce that the decline was caused by human CO2 emissions? Experimentation, testing, laboratory trials? Of course not. He used models.
Berwyn apparently would have us believe that rising CO2 content, a trace gas that now constitutes 0.04 percent of the atmosphere, is impacting snowfall amounts and the spring snow pack. And how is he so certain of his conclusions? Because his climate models say so, and, as we all know, such models are never wrong.
I’m afraid that Berywn’s research is another example of Ouija Board climatology. Tweak the models enough, and they’ll give you the answer you’re looking for every time. This paper will undoubtedly set Berywn up for another lucrative grant.
If the snow is melting from the heat, the animals won’t need the snow cover as a refuge from winter cold. What an idiot.
There’s no way it’s declinin,g compare May 5th 2013 with May 5th 2004 at the cryosphere lab and compare it to every year after 2004 for the same date. No way !!!!!