Obama says he goes skeet shooting all the time, meaning twice and he hated it.
It appears that he prefers first person shooter games, which he plays about twice a week.
Pakistan government says ‘at least 400 civilians’ killed in drone strikes – AlHittin.com
“Let me be clear. I am giving this speech that has little substance and less meaning, and am going to present all sides of the issues, because that is what I do. I look at all sides of an issue, and reiterate, repeating that all the points of the issue no matter how small, how tedious, they will be examined. I will study the issues meticulously during golf matches and skeet shoots, particularly as a wave of change washes over these issues. I will run it past Val and the boys, then my buds in the press in closed door meetings, and then issue a sternly-worded letter.
In this particular instance, I have decided to issue a harshly-worded speech, and a tweet, to show you how supremely Presidential and above the fray I can be. Because I understand that it is the judgment of history in 10 or 20 years time is paramount.
In addition it has been a couple of days since I and my administration’s greatness have been debated in a high and lofty manner, as the noise in the news has been taking away from my super human awesome-awesomeness, and I am not feeling enough praise and worship from my American people. Thank-you.” OB.