Black Helicopters Over Hillary


Democrats don’t believe in conspiracies, except for most of the time. In recent weeks many finally became aware that EPA, IRS and DOJ are being abused for political purposes by the White House.

Now that people understand this, perhaps it will be easier for them to accept the fact that much of NOAA and NASA are just as corrupt as the rest of the federal government.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Black Helicopters Over Hillary

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    The IRS was just providing “poor customer service.”

  2. The IRS provides a “customer service” if and only if you can choose not to use the “service”. If you live in the US, work to earn a living, and buy goods and services to support your life, you cannot avoid experiencing the “services” of the IRS both directly and indirectly. The only way you can choose not to use them is never to have been alive in the first place.

    Once again we see that the name does not make the thing. The IRS offers no more of a service than a back ally thug does when he takes your purse at point of gun. Your choice in the matter is held as irrelevant.

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    I think Hillary just wanted Americans to practice dodging sniper fire in Benghazi as she did in Bosnia:

  4. Ivan says:

    Democrats don’t believe in conspiracies, except for most of the time.
    Who really knows what Dumb-o-crats believe?

  5. Hugh K says:

    Democrats = The party of old white women.
    How progressive…

  6. Chewer says:

    Hillary didn’t move to New York (to become senator) because she love the New Yorkers, she did it for the love of power, namely United Nations power. She’d love to pick up where Ban Ki-moon leaves off. With a Biden or other asshole in charge of the U.S., it’d all fall into place nicely.

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