Climate experts say that 90% of Arctic sea ice has melted, which is why it is at a ten year high for the date.
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- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
We know that climate runs in many different cycle lengths, so why would we exclude seven years of Arctic ice data from the mean? It is beyond ridiculous that these frauds continue to act as if anything that happened after 2006 is not part of a cycle, and can therefor be excluded.
Have as many meaningless means as you like, but let’s have at least have one that honestly and accurately reports the Arctic as it has been observed. They have a billion different models, so what exactly is the problem?
They like to keep the illusion of lower than average ice cover going?
Gives their theory a very thin film of respectability.
What missing ice?
Notice that the rate of decrease of the Arctic ice this year is also the slower of the last 7 years (all years plotted)…
Brings the hope of a relatively large summer ice cover this year.
Arctic ice can’t be at a 10 year high – McKibben tweeted that its been below the average for the past 143 months (according to his expert, Jeff Masters).