Coldest May Temperature Since 1917

The current temperature in Fort Collins, Colorado is -9C. It will probably get colder before dawn, but is already the second coldest May temperature in Fort Collins history – beaten only by May 6, 1917 when it was -11C.

We also have a foot of snow on the ground, and are having the snowiest spring on record.

ScreenHunter_228 May. 02 04.33

The DC based US drought monitor says that we are suffering an extreme drought.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Coldest May Temperature Since 1917

  1. philjourdan says:

    Well, you are suffering a drought – until the snow melts. 😉

  2. David says:

    Severe drought is anything short of severe flooding there is no normal under climate change.

  3. gator69 says:

    From “Drought Monitor” About page…

    “Tracking drought blends science and art. No single definition of drought works for all circumstances, so people rely on drought indices to detect and measure droughts. But no single index works under all circumstances, either. That’s why we need the Drought Monitor, a synthesis of multiple indices and impacts, that represents a consensus of federal and academic scientists. The product will be refined over time as we find ways to make it better reflect the needs of decision-makers and others who use the information.”

    Do not question the synthconartists!

  4. Lance says:

    remember though, “when” it warms up, the snow will instantly evaporate into the air and the ground will become even more dry. These are consistant properties of CO2 when it targets areas in drought.

  5. This has Nothing to do with Tracking Climate Change AKA Global Warming or So Called Protecting the Earth…It is a Scam that’s all about Promoting Carbon Dioxide as a Cause and Making Money off the Sell of Credits! Then you have Scientist and Researchers who Skew Past and Present Data to Support their False Claims and Ignore any Data that does not Support These Claims just to keep Government Funding Coming In! As the Weather continues to PROVE THEM WRONG, they will Lose all Credibility and then Will Fade into Obscurity…that is unless they are Brought Up on Charges for Perpetrating Fraud on the Public!

  6. kirkmyers says:

    You can bet that whatever the weather anomaly happens to be, the Warmists will blame it on “climate change.” They long ago abandon all reason in their futile attempt to resuscitate their dying global warming theory. They cling to it like frightened children grasping their favorite Teddy Bare. What a sad, embarrassing spectacle.

  7. kirkmyers says:

    Oops. Teddy “Bear,” not “Bare.”

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