Colorado Senate President Told Democrats To Ignore Their Constituents, And Vote For New York/Chicago Thuggery

COLORADO SPRINGS, Apri 30, 2013—Recall petition drives are well under way for four pro-gun control Democrats in the Colorado state legislature.

The four facing recall petitions are:

John Morse (Senate District 11; 7,178 valid signatures needed)

Angela Giron (Senate District 3; 11,285 valid signatures needed)

Evie Hudak (Senate District 19; 18,962 valid signatures needed)

Mike McLachlan (House District 59; 10,587 valid signatures needed)

In Colorado, the number of valid signatures needed is 25% of the total ballots cast in the election of the official being recalled. Petition gatherers usually get 25-40% more than necessary.

Sen. John Morse is the president of the senate and thus responsible for sheparding the gun bills through. He was famously shown on the Rachel Maddow TV show explaining how he told “his” senators to ignore the objections of their constituents and vote for the rights-restricting legislation.

Recalls underway for Colorado Democrats: 1st Amendment is not absolute | Washington Times Communities

h/t to Kirk Meyers

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Colorado Senate President Told Democrats To Ignore Their Constituents, And Vote For New York/Chicago Thuggery

  1. philjourdan says:

    You need to stick around so you can vote those clowns out.

    Democrats hate constituents.

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