Dealing With The Horrors Of Global Warming In Colorado

ScreenHunter_146 May. 12 09.39

I went out to Pawnee Grasslands this morning, near the intersection of Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado. The primroses are starting to pop up everywhere, and in a few weeks will carpet the ground like snow.

On the way back I saw about 30 Pronghorn Antelope and several newborn foals, which couldn’t have been more than a day or two old. A few more mares looked like they were ready to deliver at any time.

The photo above is looking across towards Longs Peak, which has about 120% of normal snow cover according to USDA. Note that the trees around the lake have still not leafed out  as of May 12, which is about six weeks late.

Climate experts say that global warming brings an early spring, and is going to kill us all.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Dealing With The Horrors Of Global Warming In Colorado

  1. Wish I could afford to cruise around out there. Now you’ll have to go back there when the leaves come out. Bummer.

  2. Billy Liar says:

    Funny how you don’t hear a thing from the phenologists when something is late. If the primroses or the trees were out early we’d have never heard the end of it.

    • miked1947 says:

      Phrenologists can only evaluate “Bumps”. If there are not bumps in the temperature they have nothing to evaluate. Sometimes they claim to find bumps that do not exist! 😉
      Early would be a bump, late would be classified as a dip, natural occurrence.

    • Jimbo says:

      Why is it I am hearing less and less about early springs? 😉

  3. F. Guimaraes says:

    The real victims of “global warming” will be the perpetrators of the hoax, they’ll will loose all credibility very soon.

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