Dem Senator : GOP Caused Oklahoma Tornado

ScreenHunter_379 May. 20 20.09

Twitter / RyanMaue: “@jeff_poor: Democratic Senator …

Tornado deaths in the US have declined dramatically since 1920.

ScreenHunter_299 May. 17 17.13

US Annual Tornado Death Tolls, 1875-present – NOAA Weather Partners

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Dem Senator : GOP Caused Oklahoma Tornado

  1. sunsettommy says:

    Another leftist demonstrating their mental illness.

  2. Hubert says:

    The death tolls have been lower not because the tornadoes have been weaker, but because we have better warning than we did 50 to 100+ years ago (or even 20 years ago). This tornado had a 16 minute lead time on the warning so in spite of the dozens of people dead many people were able to get to shelter.

    In fact, the Moore tornado in 1999 was 1mph away from an F6 – which was thought to be impossible on Earth according to Dr. Theodore Fujita.

    Just like hurricanes have a lower death toll now because of the lead time and evacuation time people have today that they didn’t have 100 years ago (or even 50 years ago). Yet, Wilma was a stronger hurricane than was ever recorded in the Atlantic basin. Before that, it was Gilbert in 1988.

    Thank the NWS, NOAA, and meteorologists who work for them for that.

    • The number of F3-F5 tornadoes has dropped since the 1970s, and the average number of hurricane strikes on the US mainland has dropped in half since the 1880s.

      You might also note that the population was much lower 90 years ago.

      Gilbert was peak intensity in the middle of the Gulf Of Mexico. Technology now is able to measure peaks which would have been missed in the past. Had the technology been available 100 years ago, all of those hurricanes would have been bumped up.

      • Eric Webb says:

        However, since 2008, when the PDO turned cold, the number of violent tornadoes is on the increase, in a general sense, once again, like what was observed in the 1950s. One would anticipate a continued increase in tornadoes as the pattern shifts to a 1960s-70s look over the next decade or so as the AMO cools.

      • Hubert says:

        And judging by your latest posts my post fell on deaf ears.

        You keep repeating the same failed argument. You haven’t learned anything.

    • Even if we granted Hubert all his arguments, it would still demonstrate that the problem is best solved by practical measures + science & technology, rather than actually trying to stop tornadoes from occurring. Which is, frankly, insane….

  3. Pathway says:

    The nut jobs are so predictable.

    • philjourdan says:

      Predictable? Sadly yes. But no less ghoulish. It is a sad testament to this nation when a major political party makes it their policy to feed on the death and misery of others. As soon as the Tornado hit, I knew the democrats would turn it into another Sandy hook circus.

      • gator69 says:

        Who the Hell thinks a hallway is a tornado shelter? They knew damn well from the 1999 strike, that hardened facilities are needed to protect human beings in tornado alley. Just as in Sandy Hook, a simple precaution would have saved many very innocent lives.

        Ditch the damn green initiatives and build shelters for the kids for Christ’s sake!

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