In his State of The Dis-union address, President Obama promised to cool down the country. It looks like King Canut may have over-adjusted the thermostat, with 82% of the US below normal temperatures this year.
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I didn’t know Maine had an active volcano.
There is that damned red spot again! What is going on up there? Heavy localized CO2 emissions? Hansen moved there for retirement?
It all depends on what time frame they used for the “reference period”.
It also matters that the thermometer in Maine appears to be at the Bangor “international” Airport.
According to their website, “…It is the closest US Port of Entry from Europe and provides 24 hour Customs and Immigration services…” and “…provide[s] daily, non-stop service to Detroit, LaGuardia, Philadelphia, and Washington DC’s National Reagon [sic]…”
I swear I can see the UHI from Houston and San Antonio. But San Antonio’s UHI appears to be west of the city…and the warm area north of San Antonio is too far south for Dallas…
Uploaded on May 8, 2013
Thursday 10:00 AM, National Press Club, Washington, DC:
Navy SEAL Team VI Families to reveal governments culpability in death of their sons in the fatal helicopter crash in Afghanistan following the successful raid on bin Laden’s compound.!
“Green Venture Capital Firm Flails As Investments Go Bust”
“The venture capital firm behind some of the most prominent recent green tech flops, led by major Dem donors and advised by Al Gore, is in big trouble as the green bubble bursts and one highly touted green investment after another goes belly up”
First he fixed sea level rise, then some jerk went and turned the knob the other way again. Now he’s fixed the temperature and the drought, and probably even went a little too far, though I’m sure he had his reasons. He is definitely baking the snot out of that little spot in Maine. That must be really close to Kennebunkport. If we can just keep the knuckle draggers from wrecking the President’s fine work again, we won’t need to keep on funding this costly War on Weather that we all brought upon ourselves.
Are Skeeter and Michelle fighting over the global thermostat again? 😉
Rush Limbaugh just mentioned your 3 degrees of cooling.
It makes a difference which period you look over. Below are links to the last year, since October, the last month and the last week. The smaller the period, the more noisey the variability.
Also, one should remember that the contiguous US represents less than 2% of the total surface area of the planet and less than 7% of the total land area. Therefore, the departure from normal for this small area is often not representative of the global mean.
Last year, DC and Chicago represented the whole earth.
I somewhat agree with you there.. 😉 Whatever happens in DC (or the other big metro areas like NYC, Boston, Atlanta, LA, etc) get far more press than the rest of the country or world. It is important to remember that news (and climate) occur globally.
And it depends on which multiple month period you look at. Here is the departure from normal for Dec 2012 through February 2013 (three months) showing a warm winter in the east and a cool one in the mountainous west.
The departure from normal for the full year 2012:
NOAA massively tampers with their data before releasing it.
But…. you’re using their data above to make your point. Either the data is reasonable and you can make your point (and I can make mine) or your original thesis is invalid.
I’m using RSS satellite data, not NOAA surface data – which is massively tampered with.
Your plot shows NOAA data… from the High Plains Regional Climate Center
Your graph can be recreated at this url:
They mention where their data comes from:
Note… National Climatic Data Center (
So, no, the graph at the top of this post is not using RSS satellite data. It is using NOAA data.
Your other post involves RSS satellite data, but it shows that the US was above the long term mean for most of 2012 and is slightly below for the start of this year. A further point is that short term trends over small areas show more about local, short term effects than the long term climatic effects expected for global warming.
Sorry, I didn’t know which post you were responding to.
HPRC uses raw temperature data to generate their maps. NCDC graphs use tampered data.
I have documented this in great detail here
and… my initial plots are from the HPRCC. Where do you get the information that they do not use the same data as NCEP? It looks like they injest their data from ACIS, whos partners include: National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), Regional Climate Centers, and State Climate Offices. NCDC and NCEP are both part of NOAA.
I really don’t want to spend any more time on this. Please read the link I provided you. Try to understand the difference between raw temperature data, and published NCDC graphs.
Steven Goddard just introduced to 23 million Americans on El Rushbo
That sounds backwards.
Must be mountain time.
I know this site is popular, but 23 million viewers? Impressive.
You have to read his statement as a declaration. Rush Limbaugh mentioned the article and Steven Goddard on his show today. Rush’s estimated audience is 20m+
Either that or I read Pathway’s post. Need to get those reading glasses ASAP.
Skeeter can’t claim credit for cooling the US. Vegemite Julia introduced the Carbon Tax that cooled the entire world down in 12 months!! Her ex lives in Maine. That’s why she hasn’t cooled that state down. 😀
Skeeter promised cooling and he promised to fix the climate! Vegemite Julia needs to wait her turn to perform miracles!!!! Well! OK! She can perform Miracles Down Under! 😉 Skeeter only knows about that land when the two of them are playing Grabsies!
WOW! Now that is a double entendre!