Exciting News : 25th Anniversary Of Global Warming

ScreenHunter_582 May. 28 20.14

Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate – New York Times

For some reason, the last 17 of those 25 years haven’t warmed.

ScreenHunter_583 May. 28 20.18

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Exciting News : 25th Anniversary Of Global Warming

  1. Olaf Koenders says:

    Forgive them ‘O Lord, for they are f*’n clueless.. Nah, stuff it – Burn ’em.

    In other news Steve – a heads up:

    “May 28, 2013
    Police Chief Pulls an “Obama” — Wants to be Judge, Jury, and Executioner

    Posted by William Grigg on May 28, 2013 09:25 AM

    Jason Ellis of Bardstown, Kentucky was fatally shot in the early morning hours of May 25 in what appeared to be an ambush. Ellis was a former professional baseball player who became a K-9 officer with the local police department. Of infinitely greater importance, this young man was a husband and father to two young sons.

    In reacting to the murder of Jason Ellis, Bardstown Police Chief Rick McCubbin, a 25-year veteran of federal and local law enforcement, spoke of revenge, rather than justice:

    “I can assure you we won’t give up on this person or persons until we either have them in custody or in the front sight of one of our weapons. I certainly hope the latter is the case.”

    Had a remark of that kind been made by a Bardstown resident about an apparently unjustified killing of a citizen by a police officer, it would most likely have been treated as a terroristic threat.”


  2. Gamecock says:

    Why was Congress talking to NASA about the weather, and not NOAA? All sorts of problems could arise from that.

    • jeffk says:

      NASA needed a new excuse for federal funding, since space travel budgets were on chopping block. I bet if we could see the email talking points at those meetings, going back to VP Al Gore, we’d see where the climate change plot was hatched. All for grant funding.
      Today the pressure is widespread, outside NASA. Sequestration looms. It’s no coincidence how Warmers broke their promise about not using weather incidents to “prove” climate change, when Sandy came along, and sequestration fears fed into the OR for climate change funding.

  3. gator69 says:

    I am now older in the first five months of this year than in any comparable period since measurements began at my birth, and my advanced age can now be attributed to a long-expected death spiral linked to eating and breathing, my physician reported today.

    Until now, I have been cautious about attributing my advancing age of recent years to the predicted death spiral caused by eating and breathing, known as “life”.

  4. Your graph is not of a peer-review approved time period. You must start all such graphs with 1975, or they will kill your pet rabbit (Hansen won’t be IGNORED, Steven — like Glenn Close in “Fatal Attraction”).

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