Florida Hurricanes Occur Half As Often As They Did 160 Years Ago

It has been eight years since a hurricane struck Florida, the longest hurricane free period on record. Hurricanes used to strike Florida an average of once a year, but now they average one hurricane strike every other year.

ScreenHunter_86 May. 10 07.06

Chronological List of All Hurricanes

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Florida Hurricanes Occur Half As Often As They Did 160 Years Ago

  1. Glacierman says:

    Yea, but now they are rocket fueled and can be steered by CO2 to cause maximum damage. And it’s all your fault.

  2. miked1947 says:

    I think it is the seven year olds that point their finger and say bang that are causing the increase in CO2 and Hurricanes! The poor butterflies in Africa have been being blamed for much to long!

  3. kirkmyers says:

    I hope the current downtrend continues. Here in Central Florida, we were hit by three hurricanes (Charley, Francis and Jeanne) in 2004. Downed trees, no power, canned food by candlelight and sleeping in one’s own sweat. What an absolute mess.

  4. miked1947 says:

    Maybe the increase in CO2 has caused cooling in Africa. That lead to fewer Butterflies being born. Which means there are fewer Butterflies flapping their wings and that leads to fewer hurricanes. More Butterflies in the Caribbean are being born at the right time to deflect the ‘Canes further north to hit the north Atlantic coast! 😉

  5. David says:

    Children just won’t know what hurricanes and tornadoes are,

  6. chris y says:

    Steve, you fit the wrong curve to the data. A Hansenian exponential is obviously what is required here.

    Also, precautions must be taken when working with Hansenian exponentials with the form
    exp(a +/- ib);

    by definition, b=0.

  7. Wyguy says:

    Another reason I dislike averages, except maybe in sports. Florida has averaged zero hurricanes for the past eight years.

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