Great Minds Think Alike

This guy Steven Goddard at has calculated that the temperatures in America have dropped almost three degrees centigrade just over the past year. You know, there are so many inconvenient facts that are running up against the left every day. It’s just an absolute shame that they don’t matter. Like the gun control numbers. I mean, I think this is really, really important. Gun crime in America is down dramatically.

– Rush Limbaugh

Thanks to Marc Morano for the transcript.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Great Minds Think Alike

  1. Andy DC says:

    Congratulations, Steve for getting quoted by one of the all time great radio personalities.

  2. redc1c4 says:


    (not that i’ve ever listened to him… i find talk radio annoying)

  3. gofer says:

    Better than a NObel prize.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Good wine doesn’t need any advertisement….

  5. R. de Haan says:

    Also nice to see climate change rubbish connected to gun control rubbish. Same shit all over the place produced by the same Wannabe Fascist hacks who are “gung ho” on driving the US into the ground.

  6. PhilJourdan says:

    I posted a link to his website that links to your article on that article. Here is the link:

  7. Mike says:

    Not everywhere in America has dropped 3 degrees, the oval office has gained a few degrees in the last few years.

    In fact a hockey stick could be produced to show that the global warming scare is related to the advent of better insulation and heating in the 80′ and 90’s in offices, homes and automobiles.

    Climate scientists could sit in their warm cosy offices and manage to look out the window without wearing a jacket. They knew then something was wrong. The last number of decades has seen man come in from the cold but only for a number of them catch a severe bout of global warmingitis.

  8. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Good stuff, Steve. Thanks for a terrific website.

  9. gofer says:

    O/T Tesla has reported a profit and a recent article pointed out they stand to make over 250 million dollars from California issuing them “carbon credits” which they can sell to other car companies. This defines why the scam is pushed and people lie their nose off, billions of $ flowing and people getting wealthy. It’s like a legal Mafia. Has there ever been such a massive rip off of the public?

    • I. Lou Minotti says:

      Yeah, it’s called Obamacare–the latest perpetuation of the theory of fear started by the Scungili brothers when they would come into your business armed with violin cases and drop the cash register on your foot, and then tell you, “see, you need our ‘protection.'” They wear suits now.

  10. Pat Jones says:

    While we win debates with facts we’d better notice media winning battles with fiction.
    Media aren’t part of the problem.

  11. R. de Haan says:

    Mafia also active in Afghanistan. honest and devoted people shut up by in and in corrupt Government:

    The establishment is stealing us blind.

  12. A.D. Everard says:

    Very nice! 🙂 Word is getting out.

  13. gregole says:

    Excellent! Godspeed to you Steven!

  14. papiertigre says:

    Can I kiss your ring? Or touch the hem of your garment (whatever the protocol is)?

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