Hansen : China Is The Most Moral Country On Earth

ScreenHunter_187 May. 13 08.54

ScreenHunter_185 May. 13 08.52


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Hansen : China Is The Most Moral Country On Earth

  1. Sundance says:

    Excerpts from Joe Biden’s May 9, 2013 Rolling Stone interview indicate that Hansen’s idea of morality needs to be questioned.

    RS: You mentioned a carbon tax. Is the Obama administration going to follow the lead of China and propose such a policy?

    Biden: The truth is, right now, no, because we know it will go nowhere. Look, one of the things we are doing, and the president is asking me to kind of get ahead of here, is that we have a real chance, both in this hemisphere and with China, to enter into joint ventures on renewable energy and on cleaner-burning natural gas. Let me give you an example: The Chinese are building something like one new coal-fired plant a week – a week. So pick the biggest coal-fired plant you know around here that’s spewing pollution, and they’re building them every week, and they’ve been doing that for the last six or seven years.


    This means that Hansen has reached his opinion of China’s morality in spite of China’s building a coal plant every week while the USA closes coal plants and in spite of Tibetan Monks setting themselves on fire to protest China’s refusal to allow Tibet to be free. My only thought on such twisted thinking is that Hansen is being paid by the Chinese to propagandize against the US.

  2. Rosco says:

    Has this fool even seen the state of the atmosphere in China – you are lucky to see a few hundred metres in any major city.

    The remarkable thing is they could probably clean this soup up as most western countries did throughout previous decades but simply don’t or won’t.

    If this is the moral example for the rest of us we truly are screwed.

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