Hayhoe Calls At 400, And Raises To 500

ScreenHunter_46 May. 08 18.28

ScreenHunter_47 May. 08 18.30

Katharine Hayhoe (KHayhoe) on Twitter

In Kathy’s mind greenhouse gases are spiraling out of control – yet temperatures are dropping.

ScreenHunter_48 May. 08 18.40

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

An actual scientist would conclude that her theory had failed – but Katherine is a political science evangelist.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Hayhoe Calls At 400, And Raises To 500

  1. miked1947 says:

    Poor Katherine!
    Total Equivalent GHGs have been over 10,000PPM for eternity. Water Vapor is an equivalent GHG and makes up over 96% of all the GHGs in the atmosphere. Maybe she should learn something about Climate Science. Without enough energy entering the system, the system will cool, no matter how many GHGs are in the system.

  2. Marian says:

    “In Kathy’s mind greenhouse gases are spiraling out of control – yet temperatures are dropping.”

    If the cooler trend continues. It could be time for her and others to change their tune and start a new scare then.

    “Higher CO2 levels causing Global Cooling. New Ice Age imminent .”say Climate Scientists. 🙂

  3. And here’s her “source”: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/aggi/

    She needs to look at the charts again – they show CO2 in parts per MILLION, Nitrous Oxide and Methane at parts per BILLION, and the grouping of CFC12, CFC11, HCFC22 and HFC134a in parts per TRILLION.

    Somehow, the NOAA has found a method to “add” all these values together, and create the “CO2-equivalent ppm” levels. And, she’s right – this “CO2-equivalent ppm” level did go above 400 back in 1985.

    But if she’s comparing values, the last value in the chart she references is in 2011 – at 473PPM.

    In 2011, the annual CO2 level was about 390PPM – so somehow, the “climate scientists” were able to determine that gasses with lower trace values than CO2 were able to add an additional 83 parts per million of “equivalency” forcing.

    • QV says:

      The “weasel word” is “nearing” 500 ppm, i.e. , 473 ppm.
      Despite that however, temperatures are at the lower end of IPCC projections based on ZERO growth in greenhouse gasses.

    • Andy Oz says:

      Super GHG’s they must be. But only in Hayhoe’s mind.

    • Justa Joe says:

      They’re probably weighting the other green house gases according to their “potency” relative to CO2 also.

      • Justa Joe says:

        Putting all GHG’s on a CO2 scale has no actual significance, but it does allow climate hustlers to manufacture a bigger number for more PR umph when needed.

  4. kirkmyers says:

    Hayoe’s giving McKibben a run for the money in their race to prove who’s the biggest village idiot. She should have majored in HomeEc. It would have been a much more suitable match for someone of her obvious intellectual shortcomings. I doubt she even realizes how truly stupid she appears outside her circle of sycophants when she discusses global warming — or, more accurately, the absence of warming.

  5. kirkmyers says:

    All those “CO2-equivalent” gases have managed to trigger no global warming over the past 17 to 23 years (see below). And as the commenter above mentioned, Hayhoe certainly hasn’t included water vapor in her CO2 equivalency formula. Water vapor is the big greenhouse gas kahuna that Warmists dare not mention, because it can’t be blamed on humans, and it can’t be taxed.

    The Warmists are getting desperate. If the planet continues its non-warming trend and begins cooling, even as CO2 levels rise, the AGW scare might come to an end, putting a big stopper in the funding pipeline. To salvage their scare story and taxpayer dough, they’ve decided to subject the public to a never-ending stream of unscientific balderdash under the rubric of “climate science.”


    For RSS the warming is not significant for over 23 years.
    For RSS: +0.127 +/-0.134 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1990
    For UAH the warming is not significant for over 19 years.
    For UAH: 0.146 +/- 0.170 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1994
    For Hadcrut3 the warming is not significant for over 19 years.
    For Hadcrut3: 0.095 +/- 0.115 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1994
    For Hadcrut4 the warming is not significant for over 18 years.
    For Hadcrut4: 0.095 +/- 0.110 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1995
    For GISS the warming is not significant for over 17 years.
    For GISS: 0.111 +/- 0.122 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1996

    • Andy DC says:

      There has only been one 18 year period of meaningful warming (1980-1998) since 1940. Almost no net warming at all since 1940, even though CO2 has been steadily rising since then. As a forcing factor, the empirical evidence is that CO2 is very weak.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    There’s something special about the number 500?

    Since AGW is based mostly on the science of PR. The numbers 400 and 500 are considered important exploitable milestones in jamming the scam down the throat of society. I’ll pass.

  7. It’s not just that she’s an idiot pretending to be a scientist; it’s that she is TYPICAL of ALL those who trumpet the “greenhouse” theory (whether alarmist or lukewarm). The entire, ongoing discussion is, at bottom, simply a waste of everyone’s time, because it is merely determinedly avoiding the truth, that there is NO increase in temperature with an increase in “greenhouse gases”, as the proper comparison of temperatures in the atmospheres of Venus and Earth simply and clearly demonstrates. Only the solar distance has an effect (in the comparison of Venus and Earth at least, because those two atmospheres both absorb, and are thus warmed by, the same physical fraction of the incident solar), and all the “learned” obsession with details of atmospheric composition, and weather-related processes (arising from uneven surface heating by the Sun), is worth precisely nothing compared to the kindergarten-level understanding that “heat rises” in the atmosphere. The Sun (not the surface, globally, at all) directly warms the atmosphere, whose entirely stable, hydrostatic condition (embodied in the Standard Atmosphere) immediately parcels the heat (largely by conduction, NOT radiation NOR convection) into the stable vertical temperature lapse rate structure (according to simple, first-year physics), which enforces the “heat rises” condition.

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      Exactly. But don’t forget the atmospheric pressure differences between Earth and Venus. At around 90 bar, No wonder Venus is hot.

  8. gator69 says:

    Yes, yes, yes… but how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?! These things are important!

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