Hey Ho, Hey Ho, It’s Off To Freeze We Go

ScreenHunter_241 May. 02 15.03

Historic Snowstorm Hits Plains to Upper Midwest

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Hey Ho, Hey Ho, It’s Off To Freeze We Go

  1. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Gotta think that this cold is pretty rare for May in Texas. The panhandle’s normal ice extent must be in death spiral.

  2. tckev says:

    If only we had some global warming to protect us from these chilling times.

  3. Pathway says:

    Hayhoe must be freezing her Ahoe off.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    WMO is alarmed about the Arctic melting in 2012. More people died this northern winter freezing to death than died in “extreme” hurricanes in 2012, and it doesn’t rate a mention in the MSM. Now that is extreme, myopic and evidence of monumental fraud.


  5. Ben says:

    “Children just won’t know what summer is”

  6. NoMoreGore says:

    Above all remember, Warming doesn’t necessarily mean higher temperatures. It can be as freezing cold as your dogs dangle dragging in the snow. Just know that somewhere out there, over the rainbow, a Polar Bear is breaking a sweat while ripping the guts out of a baby seal.

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