Hope And Change : 45% Unemployment For Young Adults

About 45 percent of 18 to 34-year olds are unemployed according to a recent poll by Demos, a public policy firm. I still know of college classmates who have yet to find meaningful jobs or are severely underemployed almost four years after graduation. However, a recent poll on young people’s views of limited government, free markets, and economic liberty suggests some may be waking up to the conclusion that government, over-regulation, and more spending will not turn our futures around.

Poll: 61% of College-Age Students Want Government to Stay Out of Their Lives

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Hope And Change : 45% Unemployment For Young Adults

  1. gator69 says:

    So who is working? 150% of 35 to 65 year olds? I’m just sayin’, ya know, cause Skeeter says unemployment is only at 7.5%.

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