I Wonder Why Obama Hasn’t Spoken Out About This?

A timeline of Internal Revenue Service activities that was developed by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration and provided to congressional staff indicates that early last year–as the nation was headed toward a presidential election–the IRS issued a “be on the lookout order” (BOLO) for officials in its “Determinations Unit” to ferret out for heightened scrutiny organizations applying for tax exempt status that were involved in educating Americans “on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.”

The inspector general’s timeline indicates that as early as March 2010 the IRS’s “Determinations Unit” had begun targeting for special scrutiny organizations that used in their tax-exempt applications the words “Tea Party” or “Patriots.”

Internal IRS Mandate: ‘Be on the Lookout’ for ‘Organizations Involved In … Educating on Constitution and Bill of Rights’ | CNS News

Looks like Barack Hussein Obama was planning to punish people who support the US Constitution.

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to I Wonder Why Obama Hasn’t Spoken Out About This?

  1. philjourdan says:

    He has spoken out on it. He blamed Bush (seriously).

  2. gator69 says:

    If our founders were still around today, Obama would treat them no differently than King George did.

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